Saturday, October 26, 2013

Last Blog?

Last blog!

It's 2:41 AM, Jae's birthday and no body can sleep. Our black belts are already been wrapped around our waists. I wanted to do one last blog summing everything up. 
The black belt preformance was nevracking and I've never been so grossed out/happy in my entire life except when I first got my white belt. The floors in the dressing room were... Sticky. 
The secret event is really fun so far, but right now not a lot has been happing. 
So guys can you do me a favor and blog once more? I would love to see how you guys felt and reacted at the preformance. 

Did you know?: I have ran of of facts. Sorry. 

Signing off for the last time,
    CGN Serena! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Hey guys! Right now I'm in the car to pick up my Grampa from the airport and right now we are stuck in traffic, so I decided it would be a good time to kinda "recap" as I listen to "The Fox" because my family downloaded it and it is on my phone now. 
So first is school; and the thing I want to talk about first in school is that the girl, Kathy as I called her last time, she got the message and stopped talking during class! Woo-hoo! Her friend, (I'm going to call her... Goldie) started a rumor about me saying that I was mean. But it's ok because no body really knows me. Second of all, there is a school dance on the day of the black belt performance and I will not be going to it! My school friends have been BEGGING me to go and now I have an excuse to tell them NO! JK, they already know I'm not going before they knew it was the day of the BB performance. The theme of the dance was "sock hop" and you weren't allowed to wear shoes, so I am thinking it would smell like feet anyways. 
The second thing I wanted to talk about was the black belt test, which was a little nerve racking. The written test day, was probably the most I have ever laughed. I really still can't believe Jae didn't guess what MacKenzie (<- Sorry- I can't spell) was. The "charades" game we played was hilarious, and I could tell the people acting were trying not to laugh their heads off. 
The physical test was the only test where I think I say "um" the most times. The funny thing was, my first class I cried once, and my black belt I cried once too. I guess it's kinda ironic, in my opinion. Congrats to Mike! Like everyone else, you did your best and was awesome! Going hiking was really awesome too. The scenery was amazing... If only I could take a picture with my eyes... Laser tag out of everything, took me by surprise. 
The last thing I want to talk about is Sunday, which is the most relaxing part of my entire weekend. I got to hang with the girls, get a manicure (which you will just have to see for yourself) and go to a candy shop. I swear, I felt like a pigeon finding a French fry and trying it for the first time.
That's all I really have to talk about for now, so yeah. 

Did you know?: You are reading this right now. You realized that was a stupid fact. You're smiling. You are enjoying tihs. You didn't realized I spelled "this" wrong. You're checking. You're smiling again. 



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Enjoyed Special BlackBelt Sat

I wanted to say I really enjoyed working out with the team both physically and mentally.

It was also great to have our sister school join us as well....always great to see how others do martial arts.

I thought this years event was especially great because we really kept on track in regards to time and managed to enjoy great physical training and a fantastic bouldering experience.

We topped that off with a wonderful view of my heritage from Japan....the exquisite detail that was applied to the Samurai from their armor, helmets, swords etc....I can see why it was truly considered to be an help create.

I did enjoy performing in the park for the forms and was glad that I didn't have to roll in the mud considering my open is all ground based.

Looking forward to one last week before our big test...keep practicing as the next week will showcase our final test!

Friday, October 4, 2013


Lately I've noticed that my attitude has changed in the past month. 
I am happier and also kinda... Moody, I guess.
Ever since school started I saw this as an opportunity to be who be who I really was, and I treat everyone with respect. But some people took my respect and traded it with anger, annoyance, and loss of temper. 
Today was an odd day; we had 2nd period, 4th period, 6th period, all-school lunch, then 8th period. I had already had my 2nd and 4th period, and had to walk halfway across the school to go to my next period. At this point without any brain food, I couldn't really think or concentrate. And basically anything could distract me from learning. 
In 6th period, I am in the back of the class room, with the most talkative girl and her two other friends across and next to her. Let's call the girl who sits next to me Kathy.
Kathy and her friends liked to talk during class and usually I will tell them to be quiet, and shush her once and a while and she would get quieter. Today was an off day apparently for her too because whenever I would shush her or tell her to be quiet she would be a hypocrite and shush me back as she talks to her friends or be all like,"I get it OK? I'm not a little kid and your not the boss of me!" Or say something like,"Ever heard of being nice? I heard you the first time!" At this point, shushing her three times and telling her to politely be quiet so I could focus 10 times, the bomb exploded.
And I snapped.
I called her out kinda of, and told her if to be quiet so I could focus. And this is how the conversation went:
Me: Can you PLEASE just stop your conversation? I can't focus with you guys talking. And we are supposed to be-
Kathy: Why can't you just ignore us and let us talk? I mean, we are talking about something.
Me: Is it related to music because that's what the teacher is talking about.
Kathy: No, because this class is, like, totally boring. And no body at this table really cares about this, rrrrriiiiigggghhhhttt? 
Me: Um, I care about this. But I can't focus with you guys talking so-
Kathy: Whatever. *Goes back to talking with her friends.*

I literally wanted to rip out my hair, so I shot my hand up in the air, and asked to move tables or split the table up. The girls gave me a glare and the teacher said that they need to be quiet, and went back to teaching. I wasent moved, Kathy wasent moved, and everyone was unhappy at my table. Kathy told me that I was such a bully because I told on them and I "never told them to be quiet." 
Ok, wait on moment, I am going to scream in the corner for a minute. 

Ok, I'm back. 
The bell rung, it was lunch time, etc. I passed by there group of friends as I headed to my last class, and I saw Kathy exclaim: "OH! There she is!" And pointed to me. I heard whispers about me and I feel when I go back to school, everyone is going to treat me with unwanted respect. Like treat me as if I was the bully. Well, I hope that doesn't happen.
And if you feel like I'm acting differently, I'm probably having one of my off days. 

It's been awhile since anyone has really blogged, in fact it feels like this website is completly deserted. So don't be shy to blog about school, new thing, martial arts, you could probably blog about your past experiences, memories, or food if you really wanted to. Or you could just rant like I did. : ) 
