Thursday, February 28, 2013


Hey team today at school I wasn't really excited because once I got their not much later did this boy just get sooo mad for no reson at me and my friend.I was super mad because it happens almost everyday. Sometimes we froget about other times we talk to him about it. But me and my friend get the same results.Like Serena said sometimes I wish like I was in my own little city.


    Things got better after school during choir.I got to sing with my friends and just imagine that the morning never happend.Sometimes at school I feel like i am at Aim High having a blast. That makes me feel like Aim High is everywhere I go.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

People at my School (WARNING: Very Long)

So today on the bus I overheard a girl talking about some REALLY mean stuff about this boy on my bus. I spoke up because this girl pushed him once into a metal pillar. She told me it was none of my business and that I was being mean by listening to her conversation (even though she was just talking not letting the 1st grader she was talking to talk herself.) I was silent until I came home.
I didn't really enjoy my afternoon because today we had music, the special I didn't really get, and our music teacher gave us bad news about the talent show, then made us play a song our recorders, which has lots of high notes that hurt my ears. My friend next to me broke down because our music teacher told her she couldn't sing her song because it was not 'age-appropriate' so she had to pick a totally different song. It was a good song that was appropriate to all ages, and she had been practicing that song all month. And the thing that made it worst, she had to give her a different song by tomorrow. I was slowly breaking in the inside as well.
In music class and regular class, I am surrounded by boys I don't really like, and are always getting into trouble. They give me headaches when they talk when they are not suppose to and make inappropriate comments to everything the teacher says. I try everything to try and make them stop. I tell them repeatedly to stop, ignoring them, even telling the teacher, but they always forget. I want to move, I even wrote a note on my test to my teacher telling him to move me so I can focus in class. They really annoy me when I am working on something really important in class, like my animal writing. Everyone is finish with their rough draft, while I am not even close to being finished. They bother me about things that are really dumb or random and at the end, I never finish.
On Monday, I talked to the other girl if she got into ACMA and she said she's back on the waiting list. There was a lot of people in the dance part and my mom told me it was really close. There was a lot of talented people. I really wanted to help her, but I didn't know how. I wanted to help all of them. The mean girl to be nicer to others, my friend with her song, the boys to be more polite and respectful, and my friend to get into ACMA. And some others too, like my teacher who forgets certain things and my music teacher to try to tell people earlier. Sometimes I wish I could be in my little city I made. In my city, people treat each other like if they were in their shoes, and they would be respectful, kind, and thoughtful about others. And there would be schools that open at 9:00 AM.
I really hope for the best for those people. I thought of them when my brother and sister were fighting over toothpaste or something and when I looked at my little city in a jar. Sorry if this is really long, but I really needed to say something because all of this happens about everyday, and it WON'T STOP no matter how hard I try and I am sick of it. I just want to scream! I want to just skip school because of this. Luckily, thinking about my friends and funny videos helps keeps me from tearing my hair out and screaming in their face. Writing and martial arts helps me too. I write about my struggles and martial arts helps me clear my mind and think about the thinks happening now. That's probably why I blog a lot. I have sharp hearing sometimes and can hear the small things and understand what or how the problem can be solved.

~A happier and tired Serena going to bed at 9:30

Quote that I like ...

This is the inspirational quote on my bathroom calendar right now:

You can be greater than anything that can happen to you.

steady pace!

Hello Team!! Remember to keep track of your workouts, Acts of Kindness and more. Keep your binder with you at every class. I look at it this Way- My Binder is my Martial Arts Bible, my Bio and my martial arts career. I encourage each of you to keep up on your Binders!! Please have it for PHASE 1 TESTING!!! I want you all to be prepared. I am cheering for you all!! GO AIM HIGH TEAM!! T-BERG OUT!!

Hitting the Stairs

Hi all,
With so many things going on during the week, from work to taking care of our kids, I often struggle to plan regular "workout time" -- especially cardio exercise like running or bicycling. I'm trying to get better about this, but in the meantime, I've also looked for ways to fit shorter bursts of cardio into my regular daily routine. Last week, one of my co-workers sent an email challenging all of us in the office to start using the stairs instead of the elevator. I thought, "D'uh -- I could do THAT!" So that's now on my list.

-- Michael

Comic Con and Green Power Ranger Work-out!

This past weekend, I was able to go with my dad and brother to the Portland Comic-Con.  This was first one that they held in Oregon.  I got to meet with Michael Rooker aka Harper from Call of Duty.  He was nice and dad took a picture of us with him. Also, got to see what my dad calls the "Fonz" but he is before my time. :)

Finally, I got to go on a neutral karate/muy thai class led by Jason David Frank, aka Tommy from the Power Rangers.  It was fun and cool to see a different style.  I learned what he calls 3 pushes which is two blocks and a palm strike to the chest to defend yourself.  He also taught how to defend against the push by blocking it at first then grabbing head and then kneeing to the chest.  I thought he was a good teacher.  He was pretty funny and had a great time learning from him.  Even though he taught some great moves, he emphasized living the martials arts lifestyle by being disciplined, having a great attitude, and doing your ki-ups from your belly and not your chest.

I had a blast at the Comic Con.  I also saw some of my Aim High friends and hope to see you in next year's con because I want to go again in 2014!

Kaitlyn Gonzales
-Do or Do Not!

I have let time slip by.

This is my test. The fact that I am testing is now setting upon me. This is my test. I was more in shape last year than I am this year. This is my test. I have to prove I can be on par with my mentors although I am not there yet. This is my test. I have to run 9.3 miles in two weeks when I can only run 3 now. This is my test. I don't have time, something my teenage attitude tells me often. Then why am I testing if I am so far behind? Because the rut I have fallen into is NOT okay and not worthy of a third degree. This is my test. This changes now. Christopher Hoskins Generations 2013 Influence.

Don't let time slip by....

Hello team!!

As we come up to the phase 1 testing for this Generations team i feel the need to remind everyone of how fast time can slip by.  There have been many times in my life that i was hit by the harsh reality that much time had passed and i had done little to move myself toward my goals or aspirations.  I feel that I am still learning this lesson and may for a long time....unless I grab onto something that motivates and inspires me and use that as a catalyst for change.

I could easily say this is your test and put the burden of performance on you, the tester, but that wouldn't be true.  Your success or failure reflects on successes and failures reflect on me.  I believe in you all and look forward to see just how far everyone can push themselves and each other as the days and months go by.  Phase 1 is coming to a close and phase 2 is should be making steady progress in your numbers and other Black Belt activities and feeling yourself getting into the rhythm of training.

You all are always welcome to ask questions and give feedback.  You all are always welcome to talk to me if you are having difficulties or challenges.  I am here to serve you.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Phase 1 test!!

my fellow testers! Hope you are all resting and practicing getting ready for the phase 1 test that is coming up this weekend. I am cheering for each of you to do your best and stay positive. Each of you have different talents and strengths use them well and practice practice practice. I have been busy with homework and studying for a test on Friday so I have not been practicing as much but will so some before bedtime. Keep up on the great work on coming to class!! Remember to come early and prepared!! drink lots of water and bring some water. Lets do this Generations Team!!! T-Berg out!!

Busy Day

I would have blogged yesterday, but I was so busy and tired that instead of blogging I went straight to bed! But yesterday right when I got home, I had to go to the dentist. My teeth are fine, but I have a molar still developing when it is supposed to have grown already. My sister also had a dental appointment and she's fine. We went back to my house and it was the time we were suppose to go to advanced class. I was hungry and I still needed to do my homework so my dad told me that I could miss class. I practiced my stances when I walked to my bag to get my homework since I couldn't go to class. By the time I was on the back of my homework (or the second page) I had to change for black belt class. After class I finished my homework, I went to bed, but made a note to self to blog today.
I played with my sister today (who has more energy than I thought) and am going to do planks with my mom. On Sunday I made a little city in a jar with Jae. She made one too. I still need to work on it but so far it's pretty nice. I thought this would be a cool little thing to add because it reminds my about my life; still growing, detailed, and busy.

Did you know?: 99% of people can't lick their elbows? (But 90% will try once they read this!)


Monday, February 25, 2013

Great class tonight my fellow testers. I think that we are really starting to come together and support one another. I feel so much more confident about my forms and weapons than I did not too long ago. I have had the pleasure of the second degree team spending there extra time to make sure that I know my stuff. Saturday is going to be great. And thank you KJN for saying "no"when I wanted extra time and not letting me quit the forms that I needed to learn.


   I've started swim class and have been doing it for a couple of weeks now, but today was only our 5th time going (I think) 2 times a week and , I think that it's impressive for me to be back to swimming almost normal since the last time I swam( Three-Four years ) and the teacher says I'm doing good on my arm strokes, and all I need to do is stretch out, so i'm a little excited.  Today we practiced back gliding and arm strokes, and on the back gliding, the water, strangely, goes into my ears and down my throat.It was pretty uncomfortable and made my ears hurt.  Sometimes it goes out my noes when I put my head back up. All I know is that the water is making my throat, ears, and noes a little uncomfortable.

             ~Brandon M.

P.s- I almost put my name as bean.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


   Today was the first training with Logan and I got to work on my kama routine.  I also nipped my nose today, and it was sort-of bleeding. I put a small Bandaid after washing it.That wasn't even in class. Anyhow, Logan(or the Beholder) is great at doing stuff like this. He made my form better and taught me some stuff to rep out and practice to make my movements better. I'm hoping to use my kamas sometime in a demo team form and to get better at throwing them ( I have a hard time catching a double spin).  I also want to make my left hand better at spinning them.
Yesterday was my sister Hailey's belt testing.  She did great!!  Congrats lil sis and to Jordan for earning blue belt

~Brandon M.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I know I said last time that they would send the results on the 25th and I already blogged today, but the sent the results and guess what it said?

(Insert loud applause and cheering)

I was chose out of 276 student that requested 2nd Consideration and there was only 52 spots for the people.

Did you know?: A hippo's sweat is red?

~A VERY happy Serena

Testing Day!

Hi! Today Cayden tested for his blue belt and he earned it! Yay! (Add clapping here) Meanwhile, I was helping out with his testing class. Well, I didn't help out with his part of class, but I helped out with the younger kids. I really did not know what to do so I just did what the other girls were doing.
I was really excited to help out because it was my first time helping out in a testing class and my friends were also helping out. But since my mom needs some books, that was also the last class I would be helping out today. It was a big class and they needed a lot of helpers. I like books, but I still wanted to help out. It was fun to help out with kids who are hopefully going to be our future black belts.

Did you know?: Spiders have clear blood.


Running With a hurt ankle

A couple of days ago, I went running with my mom. I was hoping  to get in 2.5-3 miles, because 2 is my average, and want to step it up a bit.  The bad thing was at 1 mile, my ankle started bothering me, and then at 1.5, we turned around and went home.  I was limping and I iced it when I got home. I sat in front of the couch for 10-15 minutes and rolled my ankles a bit.  It felt a little better, but it was still sore to move it, So I iced it for about 5 minutes more and moved it around.  For the rest of the time mom and Hailey ran, I ate and watched Zachary.  I wish my ankle didn't hurt, because I could've ran the 5k miles I wanted.            ~ Brandon M.


 Hey team yesterday I was THRD's track training for the shamrock run. I decided to go running with my mom and sister. I ran 12 laps around the track.Which is eqivalent to 2 miles.  I plan to go running again today and this time 2 1/2 miles.  Then next time 3 miles. I need to run more often because running has never been my thing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My school report card (:

I got my report card back and I have good grade. I have A's and B's in all my classes. I can't believe I am balancing my my homework, leadership projects at school and leadership meetings on Friday mornings at school and I am in Band this semester. I got my clarinet and I have been taking the time to practice some of my notes. I am not that great at it but at least I am trying something new. I can't wait to see you all in class tomorrow. t-berg out.

My first blog

I would have posted yesterday, or some other time before, but I couldn't because I didn't have the right link. So yesterday during class, I think I might have landed on my feet wrong when we were doing the freestyle kicking cause my knee and my ankle are hurting.   I started noticing it during the end of class and I put ice on my knee when I got home.   This morning I woke up and my ankle started hurting.  I really don't know why and I hope it's nothing serious.  My mom said she will use Kinesio Tape on it tomorrow if it is still  bothering me. While I was writing this(Or I should say typing), I feel a major headache coming.  It hurt really bad and have no choice but take some Advil.  Maybe because I haven't been drinking enough water lately.  Mom tells me that dehydration causes headache.  I will have to keep reminding myself to drink lots of fluid cause I hate headaches.  ~Brandon


So I haven't been running yet and I still need to train for the Shamrock Run so I went running at THPRD's track and my goal for today was 6 laps, which is one mile. Instead, I ran 12 laps! That is equal to two miles! (Add happy music here.)
I am a little tired, but happy, and would like to try doing at least two and a half miles at the track next time.
Oh! And before I forget, I want to end with a fact that most of you don't know about so you learn one new thing a day!
Did you know: a group of crows is called a 'murder?'


Monday, February 18, 2013

I have been taking a lot in last week. A mom said I had impacted her life in a huge way by donating my hair to locks of Love. So I want to say never give up and aim high on giving back to your community. you never know who will be helping out and some day you may need an extra hand. thank you for the support I have gotten. I want to be a good role model but I want to be a good role model for my self first. t-berg out.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Off to a Rough Start

My apologies to the Generations team on not being there more often. I am unfortunately playing a key role in a project at work with lots of responsibilities and have been working late nights and parts of my weekends. I hope this will settle down in the next few weeks.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Busy Day

Hey team today has been so busy up until I got back from Aim High at 3:00.  I got to aim high this morning at 8:15 so I was at Aim High for 6 hours and 15 min. It was all worth it because I got to see a bunch of the instructors break boards and bricks.  But after that I had class and by the time we started, class was almost over. After class it was my turn to try to break my board I did a slide side kick. I took a deep breath then went for it. BAM! Even though before it was my turn, I was so scared and nervous then I got into the zone and broke it.

When I got home I rested for a bit then I started practicing the 'butter' part of the demo with the music. My older brother helped me get the explosion part down. Now I can't wait until next Saturday.
I have said this to the younger generation and the candidate belt testers so many times, and yet I still feel like I could say it a million more, and that still wouldn't be enough. Listen to your elder belts. They have a lifetime of experience and training. I was worried about not knowing some of my forms for phase 1 testing but instead of KJN letting me get out it, he said "girl Sam has committed to help you, but you have to put in the extra time outside of class." We meet an hour before BB training every Monday and Wednesday. I also started meeting with CGN Paula and BSBN Kevin for 2 hours on Saturday's. Kevin corrected all of my mistakes and showed me vital details. Now it is up to me to fix them. All I had to do was ask and commit to practicing.Thank you to those who coach, mentor and put in the precious weekend time to those of us who seek it. We couldn't do it without you:)

Friday, February 15, 2013


Hi! So today I had to leave early from school because of the ACMA thing. I did creative writing and when I walked in the class I was suppose to go to, everyone was (probably) older, as in 8th graders, and I felt like I was the only 5th grader. And I didn't know anyone, which just made me more nervous. There was a few people who looked about my age, but no a lot. Before I walked in, I thought they (the teachers) would ask me things like "How did you come up with this story?" or "What is the main idea of your story?" But all we needed to do is a 'quiz' like "rank these choices below on a scale of 1-5 (5+ = don't do it all the time and 1 = always/ very good at it)" and we had to write an essay about why we wanted to go to ACMA and what "we can bring" (that's what the teacher there said.)
I was the last one to finish my quiz and essay. I heard people whispering in the back, but I had no idea what they were saying. But I put a lot of thought into my essay and not a much in my quiz. (I already knew what to put because it came pretty easily to me.) I walked out of the room with my heart still pounding when students who attend the school already walked past me looking me in the eye. I'm thinking they were shocked that someone pretty small (like me) was a fifth grader, and was applying to ACMA (which I found out, ACMA used to be a grade school!) I am supposed to know when I get in on the 25th of February, when they mail the results to me.
One of my classmate's went to ACMA and left school early like me, but she was not doing creative writing. Some others were going to ACMA too for their second consideration, just it was after school at my school.
Well, that was my Friday. Always busy. Let me just say for people who are going to middle school in two- one year(s) try to go for the school you like, not the one where your mom/ dad recommend for you or where you friend tells you it's "perfect" for you, because some people were telling me that I should go to Xxxxxxxx School because they were going to it. (Even though that has nothing to do with what I was typing/ writing.) Just some advice I thought of last minute when I remembered that on the quiz two of the choices that was there was "because my parents want me to go here." and "because most of my friend s go here" and some schools just won't fit you and you will be completely lost on the second week you're there.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Board Breaking and School Stuff

Yay! I am excited for Saturday because today I just bought a board (with help from my mom) and I am planning to break it on Saturday. So is my little brother. On Saturday, I (and Cayden) will break my first board of 2013!
So I have already seen some of my friends break their boards with a sidekick, palm strike, etc. and I am going to do a palm strike. I am very excited, and a little bit nervous, about breaking this board, but I will try my best.
Speaking of trying my best, in school my whole class had to take an addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division test and even though I didn't really "finish" the test (it was timed and you'd have to do as much of the problems as you could in that amount of time) I did better than last time we took the test.
Oh! And yesterday my mom printed out my creative writing for ACMA (a middle school I'd like to got to) since I didn't get in. On the bright side, I am on the waiting list. Then again, I have to leave school early to got to ACMA for my creative writing talent thing. I am nervous about this whole thing and in certain time when I really think about my whole 4-paged story, I think I could of made a better story with more pages. Sadly, the limit of pages is 5, and the story I was writing was supposed to be more than 10 (I write a LOT.) So wish me luck on Friday, and hope I get picked and on Saturday, and hope I break the board!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My 1st Blog!! (T-Berg) Taylor B.

I finally met with KJN on Saturday and I got some great feedback and I am looking forward in this black belt testing year. I got my application back and an approval stamped on my right wrist! So far I have been having a great time getting to know my team and working together as a team. I will be busy with school, school leadership program, Aim high family kicks and most of all Aim High Fusion black belt classes. I now know that I have to carefully watch my time and balance my schedule. I always look forward to our classes because I like to work out with my team. I love to cheer with Jae, Andrea and Aneile. I hope I am spelling her name right. I like supporting each of you in class and outside of the studio. A couple of weeks ago I went to a Taekwondo Tournament called the Oregon State Qualifier at Portland Community College at the Sylvania location. I got 1st place in open weapon forms and 1st in sparring. In sparring there was only me in my weight division so I didn't spar with anyone. I want to thank Aim High for helping me make my dreams come true and not giving up on me. I really like training with the Generations team and so excited we have a large group. Tomorrow I will break my 1st board of the year and I am glad my dad will be there to watch me. T-BERG OUT!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Broke My First Board of This Year! (Kaitlyn)

I was so nervous when waiting for my turn at breaking a board.  I was also nervous through the whole thing until the end.  Now I am happy that I have broken my first board of the year.  I broke it with a spinning back kick.  Can't wait to break more boards this year.  To my teammates, never stop trying!

Kaitlyn Gonzales
- Do or Do Not!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I have so many things happening at once that I forget its ok to switch off and find an outlet that has nothing to do with any kind of testing or training. Everyday is so scheduled and regimented that if I get a free moment it is spent cleaning or doing things for others. If I do something for my own entertainment, I feel guilty. But luckily I have found something that is mindless and doesn't require much on my part to accomplish. I even chose to play it over doing my homework and I haven't chosen fun over responsibility in years.
For those who know me and my over organized personality well, this was a difficult thing to let go of and just have fun. My mom gave me my Sega Genesis back a couple of years ago, which is still in pristine shape, but I haven't had the time to play it until recently. I am now obsessed with the games once again, but mostly because I am getting to relive some of my best childhood memories. My kids didn't believe that I could be a gamer, but I showed them. They have a new found respect their old  mom.

P.S. For the kids who don't know what a Sega is, ask your parents or Google it, with your parents permission of course;)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My First Post!

    Hey! So I would have did this yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to 'write.' But on the 4th, it was my birthday, so I had to miss class. I did advance class though, and yesterday after school, I did 25 push-ups and played Chase with my little sister. And she has a LOT of energy. But I still would have like to go to class. Anyways, since today we did sticks in class, when you do your blocks and counters, when you block #8 and/or 9,  which foot do you v-step/step back with? I had a hard time with that during class and often looked down.

                                              - Serena


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hey team sorry I was not able to make it to training yesterday I had mandatory family event to attend.    I will definetly  be there tomorrow. I know this is not enough but in place of class I tried to do some excersise at home I did 50 roundhouse doggie kicks on each leg 50 sidekick doggie kicks on each leg   And 50 leg lifts on each leg I also held the middle splits  for 1minute I will try to do more. I did not like missing training yesterday but it was for family.

                                                  - Jae Jae

Monday, February 4, 2013

It is amazing to see that we have so many working parents on this year's team. I think we are going to be each others greatest asset. Which also means that we need to work even harder than those kids because we can't be at the studio nearly as much as they are:) I know that we are all going to blow the expectations out of the water.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My first blog

Hey team,

 Today I had my meeting with KJN Jeremy and I got the chance to ask him some questions, and he told me about some different black belt events. I also got back my application, my written test from the poom belt test and I got my grading sheet back from the poom belt test.  Being a part of the Generations testing team I am  fully commited to being the best I can be and making sure the entire team is too.
Hi Generations testing team -- Michael F. here, looking forward to a fantastic 2013!
I am optimistic about building up my endurance, gaining confidence, and stretching my limits this year on the journey to earning my black belt. One of the habits I am starting to follow in my daily sets of pushups, sit-ups, and squats is going for one more 1 repetition each day than I did the day before. For example, I started February doing 20 pushups, 20 sit-ups and 20 squats. Today, I did 21 of each. Tomorrow, I'll go for 22 ... and so on until, maybe by the end of the month, I will be doing 48 reps. I'll let y'all know how it works out. =0)