Saturday, February 23, 2013

Testing Day!

Hi! Today Cayden tested for his blue belt and he earned it! Yay! (Add clapping here) Meanwhile, I was helping out with his testing class. Well, I didn't help out with his part of class, but I helped out with the younger kids. I really did not know what to do so I just did what the other girls were doing.
I was really excited to help out because it was my first time helping out in a testing class and my friends were also helping out. But since my mom needs some books, that was also the last class I would be helping out today. It was a big class and they needed a lot of helpers. I like books, but I still wanted to help out. It was fun to help out with kids who are hopefully going to be our future black belts.

Did you know?: Spiders have clear blood.


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