Hi! So today I had to leave early from school because of the ACMA thing. I did creative writing and when I walked in the class I was suppose to go to, everyone was (probably) older, as in 8th graders, and I felt like I was the only 5th grader. And I didn't know anyone, which just made me more nervous. There was a few people who looked about my age, but no a lot. Before I walked in, I thought they (the teachers) would ask me things like "How did you come up with this story?" or "What is the main idea of your story?" But all we needed to do is a 'quiz' like "rank these choices below on a scale of 1-5 (5+ = don't do it all the time and 1 = always/ very good at it)" and we had to write an essay about why we wanted to go to ACMA and what "we can bring" (that's what the teacher there said.)
I was the last one to finish my quiz and essay. I heard people whispering in the back, but I had no idea what they were saying. But I put a lot of thought into my essay and not a much in my quiz. (I already knew what to put because it came pretty easily to me.) I walked out of the room with my heart still pounding when students who attend the school already walked past me looking me in the eye. I'm thinking they were shocked that someone pretty small (like me) was a fifth grader, and was applying to ACMA (which I found out, ACMA used to be a grade school!) I am supposed to know when I get in on the 25th of February, when they mail the results to me.
One of my classmate's went to ACMA and left school early like me, but she was not doing creative writing. Some others were going to ACMA too for their second consideration, just it was after school at my school.
Well, that was my Friday. Always busy. Let me just say for people who are going to middle school in two- one year(s) try to go for the school you like, not the one where your mom/ dad recommend for you or where you friend tells you it's "perfect" for you, because some people were telling me that I should go to Xxxxxxxx School because they were going to it. (Even though that has nothing to do with what I was typing/ writing.) Just some advice I thought of last minute when I remembered that on the quiz two of the choices that was there was "because my parents want me to go here." and "because most of my friend s go here" and some schools just won't fit you and you will be completely lost on the second week you're there.
I am glad you over came your fears and focused on the quiz. Good Luck and cheering for you.