Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Board Breaking and School Stuff

Yay! I am excited for Saturday because today I just bought a board (with help from my mom) and I am planning to break it on Saturday. So is my little brother. On Saturday, I (and Cayden) will break my first board of 2013!
So I have already seen some of my friends break their boards with a sidekick, palm strike, etc. and I am going to do a palm strike. I am very excited, and a little bit nervous, about breaking this board, but I will try my best.
Speaking of trying my best, in school my whole class had to take an addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division test and even though I didn't really "finish" the test (it was timed and you'd have to do as much of the problems as you could in that amount of time) I did better than last time we took the test.
Oh! And yesterday my mom printed out my creative writing for ACMA (a middle school I'd like to got to) since I didn't get in. On the bright side, I am on the waiting list. Then again, I have to leave school early to got to ACMA for my creative writing talent thing. I am nervous about this whole thing and in certain time when I really think about my whole 4-paged story, I think I could of made a better story with more pages. Sadly, the limit of pages is 5, and the story I was writing was supposed to be more than 10 (I write a LOT.) So wish me luck on Friday, and hope I get picked and on Saturday, and hope I break the board!



  1. GOOD LUCK Serena!!! You have a lot of things to do this week! I hope that you get in to ACMA because i know that you are a great writer. I also hope that you can break your board on Saturday because know that you can do it!! Just stay focus,be positive and have fun.
    T-Berg out

    1. Thanks for the compliment! I am looking forward to breaking my board tomorrow, I even decorated my board with a big heart, and I am going to try and "break the heart"!

