Saturday, February 23, 2013

Running With a hurt ankle

A couple of days ago, I went running with my mom. I was hoping  to get in 2.5-3 miles, because 2 is my average, and want to step it up a bit.  The bad thing was at 1 mile, my ankle started bothering me, and then at 1.5, we turned around and went home.  I was limping and I iced it when I got home. I sat in front of the couch for 10-15 minutes and rolled my ankles a bit.  It felt a little better, but it was still sore to move it, So I iced it for about 5 minutes more and moved it around.  For the rest of the time mom and Hailey ran, I ate and watched Zachary.  I wish my ankle didn't hurt, because I could've ran the 5k miles I wanted.            ~ Brandon M.

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