Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My First Post!

    Hey! So I would have did this yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to 'write.' But on the 4th, it was my birthday, so I had to miss class. I did advance class though, and yesterday after school, I did 25 push-ups and played Chase with my little sister. And she has a LOT of energy. But I still would have like to go to class. Anyways, since today we did sticks in class, when you do your blocks and counters, when you block #8 and/or 9,  which foot do you v-step/step back with? I had a hard time with that during class and often looked down.

                                              - Serena



  1. hey serena,
    check out this should help!!


  2. I enjoyed the video. thank you. t-berg out.
