Wednesday, February 27, 2013

People at my School (WARNING: Very Long)

So today on the bus I overheard a girl talking about some REALLY mean stuff about this boy on my bus. I spoke up because this girl pushed him once into a metal pillar. She told me it was none of my business and that I was being mean by listening to her conversation (even though she was just talking not letting the 1st grader she was talking to talk herself.) I was silent until I came home.
I didn't really enjoy my afternoon because today we had music, the special I didn't really get, and our music teacher gave us bad news about the talent show, then made us play a song our recorders, which has lots of high notes that hurt my ears. My friend next to me broke down because our music teacher told her she couldn't sing her song because it was not 'age-appropriate' so she had to pick a totally different song. It was a good song that was appropriate to all ages, and she had been practicing that song all month. And the thing that made it worst, she had to give her a different song by tomorrow. I was slowly breaking in the inside as well.
In music class and regular class, I am surrounded by boys I don't really like, and are always getting into trouble. They give me headaches when they talk when they are not suppose to and make inappropriate comments to everything the teacher says. I try everything to try and make them stop. I tell them repeatedly to stop, ignoring them, even telling the teacher, but they always forget. I want to move, I even wrote a note on my test to my teacher telling him to move me so I can focus in class. They really annoy me when I am working on something really important in class, like my animal writing. Everyone is finish with their rough draft, while I am not even close to being finished. They bother me about things that are really dumb or random and at the end, I never finish.
On Monday, I talked to the other girl if she got into ACMA and she said she's back on the waiting list. There was a lot of people in the dance part and my mom told me it was really close. There was a lot of talented people. I really wanted to help her, but I didn't know how. I wanted to help all of them. The mean girl to be nicer to others, my friend with her song, the boys to be more polite and respectful, and my friend to get into ACMA. And some others too, like my teacher who forgets certain things and my music teacher to try to tell people earlier. Sometimes I wish I could be in my little city I made. In my city, people treat each other like if they were in their shoes, and they would be respectful, kind, and thoughtful about others. And there would be schools that open at 9:00 AM.
I really hope for the best for those people. I thought of them when my brother and sister were fighting over toothpaste or something and when I looked at my little city in a jar. Sorry if this is really long, but I really needed to say something because all of this happens about everyday, and it WON'T STOP no matter how hard I try and I am sick of it. I just want to scream! I want to just skip school because of this. Luckily, thinking about my friends and funny videos helps keeps me from tearing my hair out and screaming in their face. Writing and martial arts helps me too. I write about my struggles and martial arts helps me clear my mind and think about the thinks happening now. That's probably why I blog a lot. I have sharp hearing sometimes and can hear the small things and understand what or how the problem can be solved.

~A happier and tired Serena going to bed at 9:30


  1. I wish I was in your little city too.

    1. Thanks Jae, and in my school, you get a 30 minute break and better food in the cafeteria. Like cotten candy and cookies.


  2. Wow that was long =) your school sounds a little harder than mine.Hang in there, Serena.

    1. Well, in the title I DID warn you. (Insert awkward laugh here.) But thanks.
