Monday, June 17, 2013

Great Wolf Lodge (Again)

This past Saturday and Sunday and today, my family spent some time at Great Wolf Lodge. We played Magic Quest, swam in the pool, played in the arcade and did the Great Forest Challenge.
Magic Quest was very fun, and also exhausting. Kaitlin (my cousin), and I spent around a day to finish the first quests, adventures, and Compass Quest, with the help of Jae on the Compass Quest. We were Team Anodar (see how I got the name?) and Team Anodar was first place on score boards for most gold (for today and the week) and most points.
I played the Great Forest Challenge for the first time and it was SO fun! There was four rooms with around two levels in each room. You jump on fish, roll acorns to squirrel, dodge "moonbeams", and play a game similar to "Speed of Light." At the end of each game/room, you would get stars, and we didn't do so good. The second time we did the challenge, we almost got 5 stars on each level. We were just one star off.

Did you know?: There is a lake in Australia that actually glows in the dark.


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