Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Saturday training and other stuff

Saturday was really fun and I have to admit that I was really sore the next day!! :(  I couldn't go down like 5 steps of the stairs at my house!! :D I will leaving to Chicago for 2 weeks. I will miss the phase test! :( I will make blogs about what I do as in like fun stuff and training over there. :) today I am going to Tuesday Market. They have cool things there! Last week there was a karate school that did like a show there and there was a time when people that weren't in the school could go...I went. :D when we had to go back, one of the black belts asked me "why don't you start?" And I was like "huh?" And he said "Yea, why don't you start, you are really good!!" And I told him"oh, I am testing for Black Belt in October." And he started laughing!! :) I also saw Kaitlyn there. Today as I was saying I am going to Tuesday Market and getting a feather in my hair. It is also my friend's birthday so I am going to see her there and say happy birthday!


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