Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So far this week (and on Saturday)

First, I was supposed to blog days ago when my cousin came and on the Kick-o-thon and everything, but as you could see, I didn't. So I'll sum it up for you so that this blog doesn't take up the whole page. : )

TUESDAY 4th, June 2013
This day might have been the best day ever because, 1.) this is the day one of my best friends come, 2.) it's field day (and it was TOTALLY different from the others) and 3.) it was 'Sugary snack day.' I did the "brave thing" as my school friends said and didn't have any candy, or cookies.

SATURDAY 8th, June 2013
AKA the Kick-o-thon. I kicked 2,140, which is a lot compared to my old score last year. After I played Minecraft (or more like my friend did– you know who you are *coughcoughBRANDONcoughcough.*)

MONDAY 10th, June 2013
This is the day the whole fifth grade went to Sunset Lanes to go bowling! Also the day I drank soda for the first time because there was no water or lemonade (apparently adults think ALL kids like soda.) It tasted horrible and sour so I never drank anything after that for the rest of the day. There, I also got 729 tickets, enough to buy a basketball hoop, fake mustache, sparkly ball, and chalkboard.

TUESDAY 11th, June 2013
This was the saddest/almost happiest day in fifth grade. My friend had to ditch school early to go to New Zealand, and she was one of my best friends. We got to go to school with PJs on and read all day. But our reading time got cut short by an extra recess (which was very fun) and a movie (that I've already have on DVD.)

The whole class clean out their desks and for the rest of the day we got to watch this old TV show called the Liberty Kids all day. Mr. L had two of his previous students come into the classroom, and he took us out to recess. The fourth grades were out there and wanted us fifth graders to sign their yearbooks.

Did you know?: Using chopsticks burns 5 calories because it take so many hand muscles. The words "flammable" and "inflammable" are synonyms. My name comes from an anime named Sailor Moon. The name "@" is illegal in China.


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