Sunday, June 23, 2013

I was so happy to read Sebastian's post about enjoying teaching one of the green belts that joined our class last week. Deckland could have been totally freaked out by the energy and expectations of our black belt classes, but our candidates welcomed him and worked well teaching him grappling, which he had never done. I very much enjoyed teaching Deckland and Sebastian tips and tricks of grappling as well. Now to piggy back off what BSBN Cory said, you have to step up the work outs on your own time because if you don't, testing and conditioning day won't be something you can get through. Last Saturday was nothing compared to what is in store for October. Diet and exercise has to be taken seriously as it is as much apart of your test as the acts of kindness and the training time that you do. We are approaching phase 3 and we need to bring it home. Find one of us black belts to help you with a workout schedule and how to eat right. We are here for you:)

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