Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Texts

So... This is kind of hard and depressing to blog about because I don't want to think about this ever again, but for people with phones, this might happen.
On June 18, 2013, around 10:00, I got a text from a so-called "friend" that read this:
“BTW, Cartesian Planes are totally 4th grade math and you are almost in 6th grade, Ms. Oh look at me I'm going to ACMA! I made it into a better school, you arrogant little girl. That means you have to be in 7th grade math, reading, and thinking. Top that!”
As I was responding, my "friend" texted:
“Now go cry your little butt off and blow your nose with a pile of cash. I hate people like you. And by the way, you see my glass of care about you going to ACMA? Oh wait it's empty.”
By that, he was about to go over my boiling point and he did. In fact, more like the EXPLODING point because after, I exploded. I texted him back a couple of mean things, not really realizing what I was doing. After realizing what I did I apologized and asked why my "friend" would say that. Turns out he was angry at me, but I have no idea what for. And to this day he still hasn't apologized.
I told my mom about the texts and screenshot my friend's texts. Then deleted the rest of the conversation. I plan on not talking or texting him/her for the rest of the two months of summer.
So if your friend texts you something as mean as that, and isn't joking, delete the conversation, screenshot it, or tell an adult you trust. And if you are about to do it, think: can you say it to them in person without feeling guilty afterwards?
I'm better now about the texts but I'm really angry and sad about it. And the thing is, my friend is older than me, and I expect better from my friend.

Did you know?: cold water takes longer to freeze than warm water.

Peace, Serena


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Serena,

    Nice story here.

    When I encounter folks who are angry about something I used to respond back in anger. But over time I realized this simply make everyone more angry. Now my approach is always to try to be calm and usually this will slow things down. Your reaction to other people is contagious. Anger feeds anger and calm feeds calm.

    By the way I one time checked out the theory that warm water freezes faster than cold water and this is what I found.

    If one glass of water is 80 degrees and another is 50 degrees the 80 degree class will drop 5 degrees faster than the 50 degree glass but the 50 degree glass turns to ice first.

    CGN Steven

  3. Serena,
    It's good to see that you are able to see the lesson in this interaction. I'm sure you will face many situations in life that you will have to step back and ask yourself if this is really happening. You are wise beyond your years and will make a fine black belt!

