Friday, September 20, 2013

Empathy at school

At school my class has a wheelchair. We use it for empathy training. We each get a half day in the chair and we have to stay in there until our time is up. Today was my turn in the chair and I still played teather ball at recess. It was a little hard but luckliey I have good friends to help. I had fun playing teather ball in the chair even if it was not easy. Being in the chair is not just fun and games. One of the hardest parts for me was going up the slope our school has. Now keep in mind that we are suppose to do as much as we can by ourselves meaning without any help unless we really need it. Being in the chair is both fun and difficult but we did it for empathy. Empathy means understanding the emotions that others might expierencing or in other words stepping into someone else's shoes.

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