Sunday, September 22, 2013

Trying to get caught up

Hello everyone,
I woke up at 6:30 am thinking about my binder and all the pages of it that I've been procrastinating on filling in this year -- which led me to the Generations blog, which made me think it's time to write an entry. So here I am ....

Every once in a while, I let the basic, everyday housekeeping tasks in my life pile up to a tipping point. These last six weeks have been that way for me. I've put a lot of my time into keeping up with job responsibilities, and as a result I've slacked off on my blogging and my binder updates. I know this part of our black belt preparation is just as important as our conditioning workouts and our physical curriculum. It's easier to put on the back burner -- which is how I got into this situation.

But no excuses -- I'm going to fill in the gaps and get my binder ready to turn in at the end of this week. It's my priority and my focus. Whoop whoop!!!

- Michael

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