GOAL: My goal is to have my acts of kindness and environmental acts (minor and major), Leadership project, food journals, black belt events, empathy training, fitness evaluations, and fast defense training logs done and ready to present by October 1st, 2013.
It's been about five days since I've changed my morning routine and started getting up earlier and getting more work done. I've already seen many improvements in my attitude, numbers, and my fitness level. I will continue to log my minor acts of kindness and environmental acts every day. I will continue looking for ways to fill the slots in my major environmental acts. My last major act of kindness will be when I go to the fair for four to five days and help my girlfriend take care of her livestock while she competes in her showing divisions. After I am done writing this entry I will lay out the entire plan for my leadership project and set a date for sometime in the next week. Starting tomorrow I will be starting week 1 of my food journal entries. Empathy training is something that puzzles me a bit. Tomorrow morning I plan on sitting down for about thirty minutes and researching the possibilities for this activity. My last fitness evaluation is going to be in the beginning of October. Since I wont have a time limit that I will have to adhere to I plan on doing sit ups until my muscles wont let me continue. My goal is to break 500. Fast defense is coming up and I will be participating in this event. The test requires two fast defense training sessions. I hope there is a way I can still fulfill that section of my test. One step closer to black belt.
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