Monday, September 23, 2013

I have been quite ill for the last five days, so now the Doctor is putting me on medication. I haven't worked out during my stent as a prisoner to my illness, so I am starting to go a little stir crazy, especially with the end of our test coming up. I hate playing catch up. I should be better soon. I guess the bright side is that I may have needed some rest, but I am definitely ready to get back to it.

I have given KJN a few pictures for the graduation slide show. I keep many photos in my binder as I did during my last test. One of them is BSBN Girl Sam, CGN Darius and myself after passing our poom belt test. The last picture is my Dad, my Sister and myself after my high school graduation ceremony, and as to the year, I won't say;) CGN Devon has also been kind enough to supply the instructors with photos of training and testing throughout the year. I love these photos because when I look at them I remember exactly what I was feeling at that moment in time.

I like to keep pictures in my binder because it helps me remember why we do what we do and the motivation to keep fighting. I also like to look at the different generations of people that have come through our school. Take a step back in these next few weeks to reflect on all the things that you have accomplished this year, on and off the mat. Maybe think about what your fondest memories will be or anything that you will do differently in the future. Grow and learn from this year, and feel good about what you have been through. Have faith that you will finish the race.

"Faith literally means 'to give up, surrender, or commit.' Faith is complete confidence." --Billy Graham

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