Today I had my first practice in volleyball and man does it feel good to be back!! J I normally have practices on Wednesday and Friday, but since I have Black Belt training and it is almost over I figured to focus on Black belt training then focus on volleyball. My dad also put me in a volleyball group that is on Wednesdays and is going to be only for 5 weeks. That group starts before black belt training so it will take me a week or two to get used to doing two sports in a day. L I thought that since I haven’t practiced in a long time, I wouldn’t do so well. But I actually feel pretty confident about my first practice. Last year for club volleyball I was setter the whole season and I never got to hit the ball unless I got a set to the back and was nice, but whenever I tried to hit it my coach would say to pass from back row. My coach from last year said she would talk to my coach now to see if I could hit this year but today I was setter again and I ask if I could hit and she said “maybe later in the season when we find another setter.” I guess I can think of hitting the ball with the serve for now because I get to jump serve later. JJJ Hopefully I won’t be so sore because my weekly schedule for now is: Monday-Martial Arts, Tuesday-rest day #1, Wednesday-volleyball then martial arts, Thursday-Rest day #2, Friday-volleyball, Saturday-Saturday training , Sunday-Gymnastics. Then the cycle over again!LLL I am kind of happy that we don’t have Saturday training tomorrow because I got three days of rest!!!! JJJ
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