Friday, May 31, 2013

The Timbers' Game

'Ello! Today the whole fifth grade (plus some fifth, sixth, and possibly seventh graders from different schools too) went a Timbers' game. It was just a private game for the schools so no strange adults were there. I was in row D, seat 9, and in section 119. I know because it was on my ticket. That has two signatures of some of the players from the Timbers'.
Now some might say I was lucky to have that seat so close to the players, BUT, it was at least 70 degrees, the seats were hard, and in less than thirty seconds, my head was HOT. Luckily, my chaperon noticed me (and the three other people in my group) were hot so we moved to the shaded, cooler, top row where no one was sitting. After about thirty minutes it was half-time and I got some ice cream, which melted a minute after I took the first bite when we went back.
The thing other than the temp that I didn't like about the game, is that other students from different schools booed when the other team came on field in the beginning or when the other team would steal the ball or something. What I know is that my school didn't do that but the schools around us. I am not saying that my school is awesome, or those schools are lame, but I thought it was bad sportsmanship. I mean, I like the Timbers and everything, but I don't like the fact that they booed.
Anyway, the Timbers' won (2-0) in the 90 minute game. Well, 94 minute if you count the 'storage minutes.' Oh! And just if you were wondering who was the other team it was the Seawolves.

Did you know: You forget 90% of your dreams in 5 minutes after you wake up.


Thursday, May 30, 2013


There is one distinct difference that I have noticed between last years Forged black belt test and this years Generations test. This year, there is more teamwork. I'm not saying that last year there wasn't teamwork, I'm just saying that there is more apparent teamwork. I can ask anyone for help and know that that person will do whatever we can to help and to the best of their ability. And I know that if another tester was to ask me for help I would give them the same devotion and assistance that they would've given to me in my time of need. It was probably the same last year but not as open. This year feels like we are truly a team.

This week of my test is devoted to catching my binder up and making it ready to present to CGN Paula Hoskins. My secondary goal is to help my teammate, Joel, in the exact same area which I am struggling in. Both Joel and I tested during the Forged test and had to drop out for personal reasons. This year WILL be different. I will NOT fail this test and I will NOT let a fellow tester, instructor, and friend fail either.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I am so upset that I wont be able to do the starlight run. This was a big deal to me. I wanted to be able to run and have fun with my fellow testers. But to make up for that I am doing a 5k for an Intel event. That will take place July 31st. I am using a training organizer to help me with it. If any of you want a training log here is the website that I got mine from.
Reading these stories of team bonding is fantastic. I am glad that everyone had fun and came back safe. There is nothing like your first degree test, especially when you have the joy and honor of knowing the amazing people that make up our studio. Those of us who stayed behind were challenged with a work out to do on our own. For me, Monday's are cycling and a BOSU workout. This weekend was also filled with a lot of manual labor including but not limited to: packing, cleaning and getting two houses ready to move out of and in to. Not to mention finishing up school for the term. Here is to the second half of our test. Almost the home stretch kids. Lets make it happen:)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Camping Trip

  Hey guys!  This Memorial Day weekend , I obviously camped with the Aim High BB testing team.  I thought my first and hopefully not my last camping trip was one of the best memories while at AHAMA. We hiked the first day and talked with each other about the test , and we got stuck by snow on the road. We hiked the rest of the way and once we got up to the trail, we turned back to the cars. The second day, we hiked a 2 mile long trail uphill and did a 9 part circuit. I thought the circuit was the hardest part.



Generations Black Belt cadidates camping trip!!

I went on the camping trip this year and it was so much fun. we went hiking and saw snow, the view was awesome. we picked up some trash and I got to know some of my teammates a bit better. We saw a mountain lion tracks on the hike!!!! I cooked my breakfast on Sunday morning!! I helped set up our tent and I helped my dad and everyone put their stuff away on Monday morning. Walking the dogs was pretty awesome to.The dads went on the hike with us on Sunday. On Sunday the training was intense as I was emotional trying not to give up but my mom and BKJN was there to push me to keep going. Teacher Paula was there with me all the way. I am glad she was there. I cried not because I was wanted to give up but I heard all the parents cheering our team on!! Hearing them supporting us made me cry more. Teacher Erick helped us with our Generations knowledge base and we made that into a game. We made s'mores and laughed on Sunday evening. I got to know Matthew, Sebastian and Jordan. Matthew and I are the same age and grade and his favorite color is red. Sebastian is a year older than me and his favorite is Orange. Jordan has opened up this weekend, I actually heard him LAUGHING!!! We grew closer this weekend and I am sad the camping trip was over. I am glad I went on this camping trip! GO GENERATIONS!!!!!! T-Berg out!!!

50th Anniversary Celebration

During my memorial Day weekend I celebrated my grandparents 50th anniversary with all my family. On Saturday was an open house with my grandparents friends and family. We got to dress casual and my grandparents got to show off their house to family that they haven't seen for over 20 years. On Sunday morning my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all went to church. On Sunday evening we had a sit down dinner, dancing, a band play, and cake. For this event we had to dress up fancy. There was an amazing ice sculpture and great food. What I did not like as much is all the photos that were taken of me.
I wish I could have gone on the camping trip that I have heard was amazing, but I would not have missed this experience for the world.

Memorial Day Weekend

I was sad to miss the camping trip, but was glad to take care of my 3 kids by myself as my wife had a trip for a couple of days...I didn't slack in my workouts:

Friday: 60 Min BJJ Class and then a 30 Min Open Mat roll focusing on x-guard

Sat: Short hike with a 30 min practice of volleyball with kids...bump, set, spike!

Sun: Short hike with a 60 min practice of volleyball and basketball

Mon: 90 Min set of 2 rounds (TRx - Pushups, Pull Jumps), Burpee Sprawl Pullups, Med Ball Slams, Elbow Strikes on heavy bag, Ab leg swings ups to top bar, muay thai round kicks)...then transitioned to run 4 sprint/jog laps....finished up with 45 min of weights...bosu ball sprawls, boss ball puships, tricep extensions, single leg rows to full curls, single leg cable curls, 25lb dumbell burpee leaps, 25lb half turkish getups, ab crunch pull downs, shoulder raises side, front and back....

If I had to do a self analysis, I feel that I really need to focus though on not wearing myself out and commit to fully fine tuning my open form!

I hope everyone had a great workout either camping or otherwise!

An ideal vs. a value

Hi all,
Over the past couple of weeks, I've been thinking about all the things in my life that compete for the limited time in each day -- work, family, rest, having fun, watching TV, and so on -- alongside my martial arts training. Most mornings, as soon as I wake up I'm thinking about "getting stuff done" and/or how much I'm looking forward to "just doing nothing" at the end of the day. I can make so many excuses not to practice my forms or do some front kicks or sit down to write a blog post.

KJN Jeremy talked to us in class last week about striving to have balance in our lives -- dedicating enough time and energy to taking care of all the most important people and activities. This reminded me of a talk that my wife and I use in the marriage preparation ministry (Catholic Engaged Encounter) that we help conduct. It's about recognizing the difference between an ideal and a value.

Here's the basic idea:
Ideals and values both refer to something that we'd like to accomplish or have or experience in our lives -- like getting good grades, being able to do 50 pushups without stopping, going to Disneyland, or earning our Aim High black belt. But if I just say, "That would be great," and don't do what's necessary to attain it, I have an ideal -- nothing more.

Turning an ideal into a value takes action. In a lot of cases, it's also going to require me to spend less time doing something else, like sitting on my couch watching TV, and/or to change my habits, like eating healthier and waking up earlier so I can make sure to exercise and build up my stamina.

We recognize our values in the way we live our lives, in the choices we make each day, and in what we're willing to sacrifice in order to make sure we achieve the goal we're aiming for.

What will it take for each of us to make earning our black belt a value?

Aim high!

- Michael

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thank you for a great weekend out of the dojo

 I had an unforgettable experience camping and training with my teammates, the supporters among us, and of course our great instructors. The site was beautiful, and I felt like we all pulled closer together as a team this weekend. The two hikes were peaceful and reflective times for me, and the workouts felt exhilarating. I also had fun talking around the campfire with everyone.
Let's keep the positive momentum and bonds growing through 'til October, yeah?
Thanks again BKJN Danny, KJN Jeremy, BSBN Kevin, CGN Paula, and BSBN Samantha for organizing and leading the campout!

The Great(ly cold) Outdoors

So the camping trip happened this weekend and a lot happened.
On Saturday, we first bowed in and did warm-ups, including a run on Road 23; did a class; had a one hour break; then went hiking. We learned more about each other during the hike, even though we weren't at the trail. Although when we finally got TO the trail, we had to walk back. We picked up some trash on the way down too. After we had another break and we had a mat chat around the campfire, talking about why we want to earn our black belts. We "took a break" afterwards and got some free time to spend with friends at the campsite. In the night, some of the kids were up and played with electronic glow sticks by swinging them in circles creating rainbows or red, green, and blue parts of the circle.
Yesterday, we bowed in (even though we never bowed out) and did our warm-up, class, and went hiking on different trails. We weren't talking and we listen to the river, or birds, or the crunching of branches under our feet. One part of the trail lead to an INCREDIBLE view, where I could smell cool, fresh air and see what was under us or above us. We took a break, then did a work-out where everyone switched stations after the first person finished. After was "yoga" class and I thought it was fun. We took another break and had a mat chat, including a game involving paper plates, running, Cayden following me, and screaming; and a bunch of other plates and fire. After. We bowed out and had the rest of the evening to eat, play, and study the knowledge base, which helped me remember the definition of synergy (which is "a dynamic state where combined actions are favored over individual efforts.") I played battleship, and sat by the fire, roasting marshmallows and making white chocolate s'mores. (Yum!)
Today, everyone packed up and since I had some bugs in a bug kit I owned, I let them free. And when I got home, I did laundry and relaxed a bit. And through this whole camping trip, I was shivering as if I jumped into the river like BKJN Dan! The only time I wasen't was when I was in the car or the second night I was there!

Did you know?: Lobsters don't die of old age. They are immortal until eaten.*


*Don't believe me or want some more facts? Watch this video!


For one of our black belts events we went camping.  The first day we got there we had a training class and went hiking. During this hike we talked to a partner about the test , how it's going for us and we got to ask them questions about the test so far for them. I got to learn more about people I didn't know much about. Later in the evening we had a mat chat where we talked about what black belt means to us and got to hear others answers and how they felt about black belt. On the second day we had a 10:00am training class.  During the class we got the chance to meditate and just reflect. Later on in the day we went on another hike there was steep hills, slick bridges, and logs to climb over and with the help of our teammates we past those obstacles.  Before the mat chat that day we played a game where we all have a paper plate and one person in the center. The person in the center says something that applies to them and maybe others then if it applies to you then you have to try to find another plate before someone else gets there.  It's like musical chairs and if you can't find a plate then it's your turn to be in the middle.  After that fun game we had our mat chat where we wrote on a paper plate three things about us that we liked and three things about us that we could improve on. Once everyone was done we went around the circle telling one thing we liked about our self and one thing we could improve on. Then after we told everyone we threw the paper in the fire as a sign of commitment. During the camping trip we had a great bonding experience with a great team.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I thought this might be light hearted and funny. I wrote it before this year's test. If you are testing for your first degree, you might not understand some of these until after you finish.

“Everything I Need to Know about Life,
 I learned from My First Degree Black Belt Test”
By Melissa Harris

I have learned to take joy in the things that I have accomplished and not to feel bad about what still needs to be done.

I know that being kicked by Jeremy Smith is a necessary experience required for me to learn how to be more tolerant to pain.

I know that my daughter thinks that my German shepherd and I are the only ones that can protect our family. Sorry honey.

I know that my husband will no longer wrestle with me because I can take him.

I know that I may not be the fastest, but I will always finish.

I know that running more than 3 miles a day won’t kill me and that doing so makes my butt look fantastic.

I know how silly it is to have a bad attitude because of being required to memorize Charles Swindoll’s “Attitude” poem. The man knows what he is talking about.

I have learned that hiking 6 miles up the side of a mountain and back down isn’t crazy, it’s “conditioning”.

I know that miracles are real. I am a runner.

I have learned that it is possible to break a consistent pattern of low self-esteem by gaining confidence from surrounding yourself with people who believe in you.

I know that Brandy Hamilton is way better than Jillian Michaels.

I know that running cleanses the soul and quiets the mind.

I know that my collection of swords is intimidating to some.

I have learned that Jessica Leitner was right when she said that you only test for your black belt once and that the experience cannot be duplicated. She also said that even if she does a push up in the shower that it counts for numbers.

I know that Devon Phillips really can just let it go.

I know that my life really began at 30.

 I have learned that it is possible to have good Danny days and bad Danny days.

And best of all, I have learned that I can’t do anything without God by my side every step of the way. I like to think that he prefers Nike Free Runners too.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Wet, Cold, Tired Oxbo

Yesterday I got back from Oxbo. An overnighter trip that the 6th and 7th graders do every year at my school. This was my first year going. It was fun going with my friends during the day. On Wednesday we did stations learning about adaptations, beaks and making story rocks. Setting up our tent was the worst thing ever in pouring rain and freezing weather. Two of my closest friends shared a tent with me. It was terrible putting up but how do you think it was sleeping in it when my friend forgot the rain fly? Let me tell you never forget a rain fly. On Thursday we had breakfast and got to play capture the flag. After lunch we went back to school and got to go hoe an hour early. That was my experience at Oxbo.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Being Sick

First of all, I'm sorry I wasen't in class on Monday. I wasen't at class on Monday only because I wasen't feeling too hot, same goes for yesterday. I didn't go to school but had to go to a couple stores after Cayden got out of school. And I kinda regret missing class on Monday.
But after debating on going and not going, I didn't go. I didn't want to get other people sick and miss other things. Don't worry, I'm coming to class today, but I won't be able to "yell" as loud because of my voice. But as I was sick, I studied my curriculum. Just not for a long time. Which I also regret.
So just some words of advice: when your sick in bed and your NOT sleeping, try and study the curriculum; or you can update your binder and get up to date on things your behind. And if you can't do any of this because you just couldn't remember, sleep. Sleeping makes your body make more white blood cells which will help you recover faster.

Speaking of sleeping; Did you know?: when you sleep, your body drops nearly 2 degrees Farahight?


My Journey

 I started going to Aim High about six years ago. My brother Antonio was training there and I went to his class during buddy week. I realy liked it so I asked my parents to let me join too. Before I knew it I was on the matt learning kumo 1. I was having so much fun! I had my orange belt test, I was so to get my picture taken with bkjn Dan. I at ill have the picture today. I am planning to get a picture on the day I get my black belt test too. I have gone through so many tough times and everyone at Aim High is so encourageing, kind, and high energy! I enjoy going to class and seeing my friends.
~Annmarie .______.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Those of us who have been through the Aim High black belt test understand what it takes to become a black belt and what it means to keep it. I have reflected many times on what we (senior belts) can do for the current group of Poom belt testers. We can all look back on the past testers and look to the future of the ones who will test, but the outlook and the attitude doesn't change. We all need to coach, train and pass down what we have learned to future generations. I am almost always at the studio early and I am one of the ones leaving late so I can help anyone who wants it. I can also offer my organizational skills to those who need it, but I can only offer it so many times before it seems like I am making you do it against your will. The senior belts have made themselves more than available, but you need to ask for help and show us the drive. I can't make you and I am not even going to try because that would defeat the whole purpose. You will get everything back from your own personal experience that you put into it. I want all of us to succeed, but it is all up to you to make that happen.

Writing workshop at Aim High -- July 13 or July 20

Hi all,

I am planning to lead a writing workshop in July for our poom belt group and others at Aim High who are interested -- including Family Kicks folks. Some of you heard KJN Jeremy and me talk about this idea in class a couple of weeks ago, and it looked like several of you were interested in participating.

I'm looking at doing the event either Saturday, July 13, or Saturday, July 20 at Aim High, time TBD.

I write for a living, and I have received a lot of great tips from other writers and editors over the years that have helped me develop my skills. I'd like to have a chance to pass along some of what I've learned. This workshop will be fun and informal -- we'll do some group idea-sharing, some writing, and some reading.

Please talk with your parents about this workshop if you're interested. To help me plan ahead, please post a reply to this blog (or have your parents email me at by June 10 and tell me:
-- Which date (July 13 or July 20) works better for you?
-- What types of writing do you like to do? What's challenging to you about writing?
-- What's the one thing you'd most like to learn about in a writing workshop?

Thanks! I'm looking forward to this.

-- Michael Fisher

Being a teammate

I just read KJN Jeremy's post about Playing the Game Full Out, and it caused me to reflect on what kind of teammate I want to be for our poom belt class. I feel like there's more that I could be doing to encourage and support this group, but I haven't been making that extra effort. Outside of the time we spend together in class or at black belt events, I'm not connected with my fellow testers. Does anyone else feel this way?

Here's my goal for starting to make a change:
I'm going to get to Aim High earlier for our Monday and Wednesday classes, so I can be on the mat by 6:15 or 6:20 p.m. and check in with whoever else is there. After class, I'm going to stay around for at least 5-10 minutes and be available for people who want to talk or practice.

There's an old saying that goes: "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." I feel that way about my place among this year's testing group—if we're not all performing above the bar that an Aim High black belt represents, then I need to figure out where I can contribute more to our overall success.

I'd like to get a conversation going with you all about what I can do to be a better teammate, and what we can all do to make the concept of "Generations poom belt testing team" more of a reality.

Please share your comments with me -- here, in person, or by email:



OK, Generations team, I feel that I need to say this as we are well into our testing year and, with limited time, it is becoming increasingly important to work as a team.

I feel that there is a level of disconnect with some of the team members that is amplified every time they miss a class, a training, or a black belt event.  This weekend is a great opportunity to come together, out of our comfort zones, and create a closer bond within the team.  The majority of you are testing for your 1st degree black belt, so this is your first experience in training at this level.  Those that came before you (thus the theme, Generations) have a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful in the environment we have worked hard to create.  I believe that you cannot fully grasp the meaning of the Aim High black belt if you are barely putting forth the effort!


It means you are focused on the goal of succeeding in your quest for black belt and are putting a priority on your training and immersing yourself in the experience.  You cannot simply pick and choose the minimum number of events and expect to excel in the world of black belt!  Aim High black belts are overachievers!!  They look at the minimum expectations....laugh....then commit to exceeding those expectations!


Now it is your turn to take look within and ask that very question.  You can't lie to yourself, so don't try!  Are you making it a priority to be in training?  Does your family understand the level of commitment expected by your instructor team?  Are you training outside the dojo?  Do you understand the idea of TEAM?  Now for some tougher questions....  Are you making excuses for not coming to class?  Are you skipping events for some reason?  Do those reasons outweigh the importance of getting the most out of YOUR black belt experience??


This is your chance to add value to your testing experience.  Aim High is not in the habit of handing out black belts to people who don't absolutely blow us away with the sheer awesomeness of their actions!  I can tell you right now, if you are looking at your list of requirements and planning to do the bare minimum, you are not impressing anyone.  I know that may sound harsh, but that is reality and I am the is my responsibility to get you to the level of the degree for which you are testing!  My success is measured in the abilities of the black belts I train.  You will NOT be standing on that stage if you have not earned your place in the eyes of your peers and instructors.  If you are unable or unwilling to exceed the minimum expectations, bow out now.  If you cannot put effort into organizing your binder, bow out now.  If you are unwilling to take the time out of your schedule to participate in black belt events with your team, bow out now.  Take pride and honor in the work you are producing for your Generations test!!

This is my 38th black belt group that I have had the honor of training.  I believe this can be a strong team, but the team needs to take the need for training together seriously.  We will be successful in the end, the only question remaining is, who will still be on the Generations team?


Monday, May 20, 2013

Working hard vs. working smart

This lesson has been difficult for me to teach myself. I'm so used to doing something a certain way that in my head it becomes the only way to do it. But then I remember something someone told me a long time ago and unfortunately I don't remember the exact words but I remember the message. He told me "Hey! Don't be stupid." And that's about it. I use this all the time. Think before you act, before you speak, before you judge, before you guess, and before you hurt yourself. When I injured my knee about a month ago I was trying to do something that I'm very capable of doing. But I didn't think it through and got hurt. I know what I did wrong and learned from it. That part was smart. Not thinking, was stupid. My knee is almost fully healed now but I'm still trying to be careful.

Today I was able to clock out early and jump into class with the poom belts and then take class with the black belts after. In the first class we did a lot of kickboxing. By the end of it my wrist both hurt a bit. Jeremy    Moore helped me work on my basic punches after and I was able to gain some improvement on my jab and cross. After grabbing some water and jumping into black belt class, I chose to continue working on my kickboxing. I believe this was not a smart choice because I proceeded to injure both my wrists. Not seriously, thank goodness, but enough to where as I'm writing this, my hands are shaking vigorously. It actually makes me laugh a bit. After realizing my wrists were hurt, I chose to work on kicking and some tricking (no rhyme intended). This was working smart. I know how to tell the difference now. Now all I have to do, is learn to see it before it happens and prevent injury. Just like any skill, it has to be practiced.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

2nd Fitness Evaluation

I just wanted to say that I think that everyone is progressing very well.  As a result, I think the overall consistent training and focus is helping everyone continue to improve.

I didn't improve in all areas and honestly I think the main reason is that I consistently work out so if they are the same I feel pretty good....if they are less then that is a reason to get worried.

I do think our next one will improve as the 3rd degree candidates are going to be showcasing some Sat morning workouts to help everyone maximize their fitness.

My focus point will be around that is an area that I consistently feel is one of my weak spots.

Nice Job Everybody!

I felt that the fitness evaluation went well for everyone. I had fun doing it. I hope all of you did too. I learned that before the next fitness evaluation I should get better at plank, push ups and sit ups.
Even though I had a good time at the fitness evaluation does not mean it is the best time now. I cant sit up, sit down, I cant even get into bed. So for next time I should also work on stretching after and before.
You guys all did great and deserve to celebrate!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Round House kick: How it got its name

I have done martial arts for ten years and didn't think about this until about six months ago and I've been meaning to do some research ever since. So today, I "googled" it. Here's what I discovered:


Original name: Round/ Turning/ Hammer/ Angle/ Rising/ Whip/ Swinging/ Circular kick (Taekwondo: dollyeo chagi) (Karate: mawashi-geri) (Muay Thai: Tae tud) (Capoeira: martelo) (Savate: fouette)

Wiki-pedia Definition: "roundhouse kick is a kick in which the attacker swings his or her leg around in a semicircular motion, striking with the front of the leg or foot. This type of kick is utilized in many different martial arts and is popular in both non-contact and full-contact martial arts competitions. The kick has many variations based on stance, leg movement, striking surface, and the height of the kick.

How it got its name: The "round" part of the name comes from the direction at which to kick travels; similar to the round punch in boxing or Muay Thai. The "house" part of the name came from the western/ American addition
to the name. The name they gave the hook punch in western style boxing was called the "round the house" punch and eventually became "roundhouse punch" or "roundhouse blow". When Taekwondo and other forms of martial arts came to America, the name "round kick" was first given to the kick because of the direct translation from the Korean word "dollyeo", which means turn or turning and "house" was added on due to the similarity in direction of the "round the house punch". The term "roundhouse kick" was made popular by martial artist like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. (...especially Chuck Norris)

And that's what I found out! You're welcome 


      So... This is hard. The things in life that I'm most consistent with are habits that I do without thinking. So when I think of consistency I think of habits and how they're a subconscious action. Or at least they are most of the time. What I'm trying to understand is the process of taking an action, like blogging, and turn it into a habit. This is not easy to do. For instance, this blog. I started this entry on consistency over two weeks ago. i'm just getting to it now. Not yet a habit. There's a quote on the wall in the back office at aim high and it reads "If it is important to you, you'll make it work. If not, you'll make an excuse." So... I think I'm starting to get tired of making excuses. From now on, there is one day a week where I get one blog entry in no matter what. If something important happens to me and I feel the need to post it then I wont wait until my weekly day. I will write it that night so the idea is still fresh in my memory. And those of you who are reading will be able to tell if this works or not depending on how many posts i'll have.

Fitness Evaluation 2

 The fitness evaluation today was so awesome! A lot of people got really high numbers, and Erick Kelly Got two hundred twenty two sit ups without stop! I got the highest in kids sit ups, almost beaten by Kaitlin(I don't know how to spell your name Kaitlin, sorry). I have three minutes ten seconds on my plank, which was 40 seconds after the last Fitness evaluation. I have 3:05 on the ball (kneeling), a long ways away from last time's one minute thirty seconds. BKJN Dan motivated me to do more on my plank, just as I was about to fall he pushed me on, and my mom pushed me this weekend to do more classes. I hope Demo Team gets to do the Gymnastics Class soon. And thank you Mrs.Bergland for doing the Demo Team Money raise with the braids at the kick-a-thon, ( If you do it).

Friday, May 17, 2013

So exited!

 I'm so excited for tomarrows fitness evaluation. I can't wait to see how everybody does. I've been practicing my planks and I'm up at two minutes thirty seven seconds. I've also been stretching and my butterfly stretch is pretty low. It's good to have a sister to  help me stretch. I'm wondering how much everybody else is doing.
  I hope everyone does good tomarrow and good luck to all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pacific Jewel 2013

This year at Pac Jewel I wanted to do something more than just to compete. I see and talk to a lot of important people when I go to different tournaments. they ask me questions like what does success mean to you? or Why do you do tournaments and compete? I always tell them success is how I improve on my own form or sparring. I compare myself to myself. If I don't train everyday then I won't see any results. Coach Logan always reminds me "Taytonka, Perfect practice could make the tournament a lot easier and to have fun at what you love doing." I love tournaments because I want to show my teachers how I improved on my skills and to show myself that I did what I said I couldn't." I love meeting new people and having fun. Making friends is the best part after the tournament. I can't say why but that is the best part. So this year I asked to volunteer my time to give back to the greatest tournament: Pacific Jewel! I had lunch with some cool people and chatted with some awesome friends. I even got my very own badge!!! I volunteer my time without anyone asking me and I don't mind at all. Coach Martin said that is the very first sign of compassion and loyalty in a person and not to loose it. I love hanging out with my Demo team and tournament friends. the parents were so supporting and stayed to watch me do my continuous fight! I was about to cry and Coach Mark told me "He believes in me and to fight my hardest like we do in practice" so I imagine I was at Aim High with Coach Mark and Logan practicing our drills and I got 1st place!! I gain friendship, and respect at tournaments when you do your best and that is all it matters. Not winning. but when you do you very best!! I did my very best at growing up and volunteering my time over the weekend to my martial arts family. BKJN Danny is right Public Relations is my thing because I just like talking to people and giving back. thank you mom for staying up late with me while I was having fun hanging out with my friends after the tournament. thank you dad for standing up for me and being a good dad. JD.....thank you for not getting lost! yup I heard you got lost there kid!! t-berg out.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Phase 2....Next 2nd Fitness Evaluation

I had a rough night for the Phase 2 test....I felt really tired and didn't have the energy I should have.....I think the lesson is not over training as well as focused training that can help fine tune the skills....alot of times we do repetitive practice but the form is a result when it comes time to showcase your skills it mirrors your practice rather than what it should be.

Everyone...think about that every time we train....are we maximizing our time on the mat to get better and helping our partner practice correctly.

I hope everyone has been training off the mat...we will hopefully see everyone improve at Saturdays next fitness evaluation.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pac Jewel

(By the way, I will update this blog because my blogs are short so I am combining the two.)

Today was day 1 of 2 of Pac Jewel and today demo team competed and guess what? We won first place! The other teams were great, and I'm pretty sure we will be remembered us even if we didn't win.
A boy who I'm pretty sure watched the performance, complimented me when he pasted me in the hotel. I was still in my costume so... Yeah.
After the performance, I watched Taylor and Brandon (who did great!) and played on my phone as we waited. We went to Hawaii Style BBQ and had dinner there. After the whole day, I skipped school today so we could get to our hotel room on time. Today was really busy, fun, and a little bit nerve racking.

Did you know?: A zarf is "a holder, usually of ornamental metal, for a coffee cup without a handle." (Dictionary)


Today is day 2 of 2 and I competed in traditional forms! Sure, I got 6th place, but I thought I did great and everyone did great as well. I watched the rest of my friends in their divisions and cheered as loud as I could. And strangely, didn't lose my voice.
We got kettle corn afterwards and ate lunch in the park that is outside the hotel. I got this thing called white chocolate kettle corn

Speaking of white chocolate, Did you know?: white chocolate isn't really chocolate because it contains no cocoa solids.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We are half way through our black belt test. I am so thankful that we have so many amazing instructors and fellow students. And to the poom belts, keep track of your numbers and update your binder every day. Don't wait until the day of the test or the next class to hurry up and pull everything together right before we meet. I know that I said it tonight, but we are passed the point of having the  excuse of not having things up to date. It is officially go time kids. Lets see what we are made of:)

How I think i did during the phase two test

when we got to the phase test monday i was feeling realy confident. we started with a short quiz on the knowledge base. i feel like i did pretty well. alot of the info was on the forged test also so some of the info was already stuck in my brain. next we did forms. i feel like i did realy good in forms i tried to keep my foot in the right position so that i didnt mess up. next was kikboxing. i feel that was my weekest area this phaes because i had just learned the combo so i was a little behind all the other teasters. then we did sticks. i feel like i did good in that area. we did blocks and counters one through ten. after that was the final part of the test. adrenal circle. i feel like i did a great job. the only time i struggles to get out was in a bear hug. i feel confident that i will pass.
*Annmarie :0)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

So much support is available to us

Hi all,
I woke up this morning and was browsing the web, when I came across a couple of Aim High curriculum videos that I had bookmarked in my "Favorites" folder. I hadn't been to the AHAMA website in a while, and it reminded me of just how many resources our instructors and current black belt students have created for the rest of us to learn from.

Here's the link:

I just think it is awesome to have generations of AHAMA students and teachers guiding us along! I want to be able to contribute to this process and pay the benefits forward. There's a ton of help out there, waiting for us to tap into it. I look around and realize that I have dozens of people at AHAMA whom I can ask for advice -- so great!

We have every reason to do great in this testing season, and there's no way any of us could say we didn't receive the tools or inspiration we needed on the journey.

Thank you for being there, supporting us and cheering us on.

- Michael

Monday, May 6, 2013

This Month

    This is going to be a crazy month. The Pac Jewel, Phase 2(Today), Fitness evaluation 2, and the Camping Trip. I bet we are going to love the Camping. Anyways today was very energetic and fierce. The Phase 2 testing went great, I struggled on the last question on the test, but besides that everybody did well. I am looking forward to the next Phase test and The Generations test. Never give up and Aim High!

P.S-  T-Berg, did you notice on the Camp info that it calls for Sasquatch-Spray, or Bigfoot Spray?


Second Phase Test Self Reflection

As the second Phase Test ended I could accept the fact that I do not get a gold best testers star. I felt that a handful of people had more energy than me. I did try my best and feel as if I gave it my all. that is the important thing. I also had a great, well used time. I was having such a great time BSBN Girl Sam had to tell me to keep the smile off my face in the Adrenal circle.
Every one of you testers did an amazing job!


How I learned to evaluate myself

          Last year when I went to a class where Tom Callos was there he taught us four questions to ask ourselves when working.
1. judge yourself on a scale of one to ten.
2. Understand the meaning of healthy competition.
3. Where am I? What am I doing? Is it real?
4. Am I learning anything?am I getting any better?
Thanks for reading!

Preparing for phase 2

           So it is an hour before the test and my heart is pounding faster then I has ever pounded before, and I'm thinking did I do this, did I blog this. Sometimes I just want to scream!!!!!! But I know I have tried my hardest to study and prepare. I am just glad that I remembered to do this. I am currently eating dinner, triple checking my gear and binder and blogging. Lets hope this turns out right!
~Annmarie :0)

What does "Generations" mean to me? - Posted on FB April 30

Cory Grant Continuing to fine tune existing technique and expanding the horizons to include other ways to use martial arts in your environment.....Generations means that we pass along the lessons learned in the dojo to our community and family.

phase 2

Today is our second phase test. I think it is different that is shorter than the first phase test and poom belt test, even though it is different it is not bad. Right now I am studying for our short quiz.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Anyone else nervous?

So, tomorrow is Phase testing and everytime I think about it, I have the tiniest voice in my head saying, "You didn't study hard enough." As I go through the curriculum, more thoughts race through my head, like "What if I fail?" Or "What if I mess up?" Or "What do I do if I don't make it?" I swear, as I'm typing this on my phone, my heart pounds harder everytime I think of it.
So if you're like me, nervous and a little paranoid, try and relax. Take a nap, stretch, read, meditate, whatever you need to do to relax, which is why I'm blogging. (Writing makes me less tense, and more relaxed.)
Yes, it's really late when I wrote this and yes you might read this after Phase testing, but this also goes for the tournament coming up, Pac Jewel. (Yay!) Try and focus on a different subject before doing something that's scary, and give it all you got!
BTW, the reason I'm doing this so late is because 1.) I am super nervous about tomorrow and 2.) I am paranoid about tomorrow.

Did you know?: The name Wendy was first used in the book 'Peter Pan.' And your brain weighs 9 1/2 pounds.

~ A worried Serena

How invested I am in this test

I spend a lot of my time working on my curriculum and doing push-ups and sit-ups. During PE we work really hard to get physical numbers. That helps me a lot. All my friends are supportive. So is my parents and siblings. I train at my house by myself everyday and I try to make it to aim high at least twice a week. I put a lot of time into this test. I love it!

Phase 2

I have been working on my curriculum for phase 2 and I feel like I am ready! I went through the curriculum and am prepared. So excited! Can't wait.  Every time I come to a phase test I am naturally nervous  but I overcome that nervousness and just do it. See you then!

5 Steps of Personal Safety

Paula and I went to CGN Lauren's self defense workshop on Saturday.  It was great to work with some of her friends from high school and go through the 5 steps of personal safety.  Role playing the steps was a good way to learn them.

1. Use your mind:  Find your personal power by keeping in mind how to take control by planning ahead and being aware of what is going on around you.

2. Use your words: Defuse the situation before it escalates by using your words to calm things down.

3. Use your legs: Run when you need to.  Back away from a bad situation.

4. Call for help: Get other people's attention.  Yell, make noise - having other people aware of the situation can make it uncomfortable for the aggressor.

5. Defend yourself:  If nothing else works, do what you need to do to defend yourself.  Block and counter to give yourself an opening to get away.

There should be more coming up in the year.  I would encourage everyone to attend one.  We do the drills for #5 often enough in class, it is good to practice the other steps as well.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


In case you were wondering, generation has multiple meanings:

1. the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation.

We are a generation of people undertaking a journey.  We all hope to persevere through to the final test and accomplish a task, that of being successful in getting our next belt.

2. the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring.

There are a couple of generations involved with this test.  From oldest to youngest we span a generation.  We all bring value to this test from youthful energy to the wisdom that comes with age.  The key is how we share those items.

3. a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, etc. Compare Beat Generation, Lost Generation.

For us, although ages differ, we have a similar mindset, or else we wouldn't be here.  Attitude is everything.  Whether that is our attitude toward training, the environment or our fellow human beings (and animals), we are unified in improving everything around us.

4. a group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time: Chaplin belonged to the generation of silent-screen stars.

We are all part of the "Generations" black belt test.  We are part of the Aim High family.

5. a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants.

Generations of black belts have come before us.  We will help to shape the generations of up and coming black belts by our examples and shared experiences.  We are a new generation of black belts - we focus on building others up through community/environmental involvement - and kicking and punching as we do so.

I am INVESTED in this Generations testing experience

I have to say yes -- I feel like I've made a promise to myself and others at Aim High, that I will follow through and leave no room for regrets or letdown after the test is completed. I'm not alone out there, and neither are you =0)
I believe I believe I believe!
- Michael

Friday, May 3, 2013

What "Generations" means to me

Hi all,
These past four years that I've been part of the Aim High community, my attitude and goals have changed quite a bit.
I joined my first martial arts class over 30 years ago, when I was about 14 years old. My main reasons were that a couple of my friends were taking karate, I liked Bruce Lee movies, and I wanted to be able to defend myself. Also, my dad had earned his brown belt in Tae Kwon Do and I had always thought that was cool.
But after about 2 years of training, I dropped out of the classes. I always figured I'd re-join someday and finish what I'd started -- but college, then jobs, then family priorities caused me to put off doing that. And sometimes I had regrets, but they faded away after a while.
 When I first came in to AHAMA with my son, Brandon, he was the one interested in taking classes and I was just going to watch. But when CGN Cyrus greeted us at the front desk, he said, "You're welcome to join in," and all of a sudden I was out on the mat.
For the first six weeks or so, I was mostly enjoying the father-son time with Brandon and that he was into the classes. Then I started to realize that I was also getting excited about earning stripes toward my orange belt, and it was me who couldn't wait to drive over to AHAMA.
I had really looked forward to both of us earning our black belts together. But then Brandon decided he was more interested in other activities, and he stopped coming to class. By that point, I knew the goal of earning my black belt was really mine and I didn't want to stop until I reached it.
Being one of the few adults in our poom belt class, I feel an added responsibility—but also that I have a great opportunity and privilege—to show respect, encouragement, and good judgment as I learn alongside many young people at AHAMA. I'm almost two generations older than some of the people in this class! Yet I'm learning from their example too--about being joyful and positive and energetic. Living in the moment and cheering each other on.
I've also been extremely blessed to work with outstanding instructors -- I'm pretty sure that every single person on the AHAMA staff has given me helpful advice and encouragement at some point in my journey, and I respect you all so much!
Moving along my path toward black belt has helped me grow and mature—in a different sense than most of my classmates, probably, because of the stage of life that I'm at, but I feel it every time I step onto the mat at AHAMA.
I'm honored and humbled to be in this "Generations" black belt testing group, and I'm so grateful to have you all along with me on the journey.
Thank you!
- Michael

Thursday, May 2, 2013

i agree

I agree with what chokonum (first degree) Melissa said at last nights poom belt class. "failing isn't failing, quitting is." I think that is inspiring and true.

Pac Jewel and Phase 2

Pac Jewel is next week! I am so excited but nervous at the same time. I will be competing with the demo team on Friday and sparing and forms on Saturday. Tournament practice has helped a lot. I have learned many ways to attack and defend for sparring and for forms I have learned not to bob your head up and down.

So phase 2 testing is coming up. Lets make sure we have at least 6 journal entries. Also make sure we are recording all of our numbers and keeping our training log up to date. Like KJN said it is going to fly by so make sure that we are doing all that we can to stay on track.

pac jewel

I am so excited for the Pac Jewel! this will be my first year actually performing for demo team.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What does Generations mean to me?

(Sorry this is late.)

When I think of Generations, I think of my sister and brother, Cayden who is a brown warrior junior and my sister who is kicking and punching in the air whenever I say the word 'Karate/Martial arts.' Whenever she does that, I picture me when I was five, day of my fifth birthday party and I saw SBN Dan teaching martial arts on a blue mat with some mits and a punching bag. I did the same as her, except maybe with more form.
I had a lot of fun doing this and I wanted to do it again. I saw SBN again, this time in the corner of a gym with more kicking bags and mits. (Did you know that was the first place Aim High was at?). I started and a few weeks after I earned my first belt, Jae came with me to a class, where she earned a white belt.
I just realized that I have been doing martial arts for 6 years! Anyways, I feel like I've REALLY improved in those 6 years and I feel proud of myself. : )

Did you know?: Super glue was made on accident?


P.S I wrote this down on Monday on a piece of paper, but I lost it but now I found the paper and typing it up on the blog.

What's the Theme of the Test.... Generations!

Generations is a nice word it refers to everyone.We all are a different generation. Generations to me means that we should recognize those who came before and think of them as our mentors. Aim High is made up of different generations we would not be Aim High without all of those different generations.  When we first started we were the smallest generation that was when we started to think that we may do this for a long time. I remember when I was at Serena's for a play date and it was time for her to go to martial arts practice and I tagged along. Once we got there,there as in the tiny corner at Hawthorne fitness center I sat with her mom on the small bleachers and I was watching for a while the teacher asked me if I wanted to join and I was not sure at first but I said yes! That was my first time doing an actual class! Once I told my parents they said yes once i started going to Learning Tree. I counted down the days and kept asking my mom is today the day is today the day.Once that day came I was thrilled. Now we have grown and evolved into what we are today.


Hey team. I'm kind of surprised and disappointed we haven't down push-ups this week. A couple weeks ago I started to realize that I wasn't getting tired with my 20 push-ups that's why I'm starting to do 25 a day now. Sometimes I don't have enough energy at the end of the day so I just do 10.

How Invested are we?

How invested are we. I feel like I am pretty invested to the black belt test. One thing I have been thinking about is that I do a lot of stuff but this means so much more to me than some of them. I like all of the activities I do and all but I have been doing this for six years and it just has so much meaning to it.

When I do my other activities I think about coming here the next day. I can't stop thinking about it. Some of my other activities include playing the violin, and choir. I hope throughout the test we can find out how invested we are to the test and if it grows.


this is only my 4th journal entry and I am dreading the moment when I tell the instructors I do not have more than six journal entries.