Saturday, May 18, 2013


      So... This is hard. The things in life that I'm most consistent with are habits that I do without thinking. So when I think of consistency I think of habits and how they're a subconscious action. Or at least they are most of the time. What I'm trying to understand is the process of taking an action, like blogging, and turn it into a habit. This is not easy to do. For instance, this blog. I started this entry on consistency over two weeks ago. i'm just getting to it now. Not yet a habit. There's a quote on the wall in the back office at aim high and it reads "If it is important to you, you'll make it work. If not, you'll make an excuse." So... I think I'm starting to get tired of making excuses. From now on, there is one day a week where I get one blog entry in no matter what. If something important happens to me and I feel the need to post it then I wont wait until my weekly day. I will write it that night so the idea is still fresh in my memory. And those of you who are reading will be able to tell if this works or not depending on how many posts i'll have.

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