Saturday, May 18, 2013

Round House kick: How it got its name

I have done martial arts for ten years and didn't think about this until about six months ago and I've been meaning to do some research ever since. So today, I "googled" it. Here's what I discovered:


Original name: Round/ Turning/ Hammer/ Angle/ Rising/ Whip/ Swinging/ Circular kick (Taekwondo: dollyeo chagi) (Karate: mawashi-geri) (Muay Thai: Tae tud) (Capoeira: martelo) (Savate: fouette)

Wiki-pedia Definition: "roundhouse kick is a kick in which the attacker swings his or her leg around in a semicircular motion, striking with the front of the leg or foot. This type of kick is utilized in many different martial arts and is popular in both non-contact and full-contact martial arts competitions. The kick has many variations based on stance, leg movement, striking surface, and the height of the kick.

How it got its name: The "round" part of the name comes from the direction at which to kick travels; similar to the round punch in boxing or Muay Thai. The "house" part of the name came from the western/ American addition
to the name. The name they gave the hook punch in western style boxing was called the "round the house" punch and eventually became "roundhouse punch" or "roundhouse blow". When Taekwondo and other forms of martial arts came to America, the name "round kick" was first given to the kick because of the direct translation from the Korean word "dollyeo", which means turn or turning and "house" was added on due to the similarity in direction of the "round the house punch". The term "roundhouse kick" was made popular by martial artist like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. (...especially Chuck Norris)

And that's what I found out! You're welcome 

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