Monday, May 27, 2013


For one of our black belts events we went camping.  The first day we got there we had a training class and went hiking. During this hike we talked to a partner about the test , how it's going for us and we got to ask them questions about the test so far for them. I got to learn more about people I didn't know much about. Later in the evening we had a mat chat where we talked about what black belt means to us and got to hear others answers and how they felt about black belt. On the second day we had a 10:00am training class.  During the class we got the chance to meditate and just reflect. Later on in the day we went on another hike there was steep hills, slick bridges, and logs to climb over and with the help of our teammates we past those obstacles.  Before the mat chat that day we played a game where we all have a paper plate and one person in the center. The person in the center says something that applies to them and maybe others then if it applies to you then you have to try to find another plate before someone else gets there.  It's like musical chairs and if you can't find a plate then it's your turn to be in the middle.  After that fun game we had our mat chat where we wrote on a paper plate three things about us that we liked and three things about us that we could improve on. Once everyone was done we went around the circle telling one thing we liked about our self and one thing we could improve on. Then after we told everyone we threw the paper in the fire as a sign of commitment. During the camping trip we had a great bonding experience with a great team.

1 comment:

  1. JaeJae,
    During the meditation next to the river, what kind of emotions were you experiencing? What were you thinking about?

    How did it affect you to hear what some of your fellow testers are experiencing?

    I like that you wrote about the event! Now, how were impacted by this event?

