Monday, May 27, 2013

The Great(ly cold) Outdoors

So the camping trip happened this weekend and a lot happened.
On Saturday, we first bowed in and did warm-ups, including a run on Road 23; did a class; had a one hour break; then went hiking. We learned more about each other during the hike, even though we weren't at the trail. Although when we finally got TO the trail, we had to walk back. We picked up some trash on the way down too. After we had another break and we had a mat chat around the campfire, talking about why we want to earn our black belts. We "took a break" afterwards and got some free time to spend with friends at the campsite. In the night, some of the kids were up and played with electronic glow sticks by swinging them in circles creating rainbows or red, green, and blue parts of the circle.
Yesterday, we bowed in (even though we never bowed out) and did our warm-up, class, and went hiking on different trails. We weren't talking and we listen to the river, or birds, or the crunching of branches under our feet. One part of the trail lead to an INCREDIBLE view, where I could smell cool, fresh air and see what was under us or above us. We took a break, then did a work-out where everyone switched stations after the first person finished. After was "yoga" class and I thought it was fun. We took another break and had a mat chat, including a game involving paper plates, running, Cayden following me, and screaming; and a bunch of other plates and fire. After. We bowed out and had the rest of the evening to eat, play, and study the knowledge base, which helped me remember the definition of synergy (which is "a dynamic state where combined actions are favored over individual efforts.") I played battleship, and sat by the fire, roasting marshmallows and making white chocolate s'mores. (Yum!)
Today, everyone packed up and since I had some bugs in a bug kit I owned, I let them free. And when I got home, I did laundry and relaxed a bit. And through this whole camping trip, I was shivering as if I jumped into the river like BKJN Dan! The only time I wasen't was when I was in the car or the second night I was there!

Did you know?: Lobsters don't die of old age. They are immortal until eaten.*


*Don't believe me or want some more facts? Watch this video!

1 comment:

  1. Serena,
    What was the most inspirational activity for you this past weekend? How does that motivate you to improve?

    When you saw that amazing view during your hike, what were you thinking about? How would you feel if that were to disappear from pollution or deforestation?

