Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What's the Theme of the Test.... Generations!

Generations is a nice word it refers to everyone.We all are a different generation. Generations to me means that we should recognize those who came before and think of them as our mentors. Aim High is made up of different generations we would not be Aim High without all of those different generations.  When we first started we were the smallest generation that was when we started to think that we may do this for a long time. I remember when I was at Serena's for a play date and it was time for her to go to martial arts practice and I tagged along. Once we got there,there as in the tiny corner at Hawthorne fitness center I sat with her mom on the small bleachers and I was watching for a while the teacher asked me if I wanted to join and I was not sure at first but I said yes! That was my first time doing an actual class! Once I told my parents they said yes once i started going to Learning Tree. I counted down the days and kept asking my mom is today the day is today the day.Once that day came I was thrilled. Now we have grown and evolved into what we are today.

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