Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pacific Jewel 2013

This year at Pac Jewel I wanted to do something more than just to compete. I see and talk to a lot of important people when I go to different tournaments. they ask me questions like what does success mean to you? or Why do you do tournaments and compete? I always tell them success is how I improve on my own form or sparring. I compare myself to myself. If I don't train everyday then I won't see any results. Coach Logan always reminds me "Taytonka, Perfect practice could make the tournament a lot easier and to have fun at what you love doing." I love tournaments because I want to show my teachers how I improved on my skills and to show myself that I did what I said I couldn't." I love meeting new people and having fun. Making friends is the best part after the tournament. I can't say why but that is the best part. So this year I asked to volunteer my time to give back to the greatest tournament: Pacific Jewel! I had lunch with some cool people and chatted with some awesome friends. I even got my very own badge!!! I volunteer my time without anyone asking me and I don't mind at all. Coach Martin said that is the very first sign of compassion and loyalty in a person and not to loose it. I love hanging out with my Demo team and tournament friends. the parents were so supporting and stayed to watch me do my continuous fight! I was about to cry and Coach Mark told me "He believes in me and to fight my hardest like we do in practice" so I imagine I was at Aim High with Coach Mark and Logan practicing our drills and I got 1st place!! I gain friendship, and respect at tournaments when you do your best and that is all it matters. Not winning. but when you do you very best!! I did my very best at growing up and volunteering my time over the weekend to my martial arts family. BKJN Danny is right Public Relations is my thing because I just like talking to people and giving back. thank you mom for staying up late with me while I was having fun hanging out with my friends after the tournament. thank you dad for standing up for me and being a good dad. JD.....thank you for not getting lost! yup I heard you got lost there kid!! t-berg out.

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