Tuesday, May 7, 2013

So much support is available to us

Hi all,
I woke up this morning and was browsing the web, when I came across a couple of Aim High curriculum videos that I had bookmarked in my "Favorites" folder. I hadn't been to the AHAMA website in a while, and it reminded me of just how many resources our instructors and current black belt students have created for the rest of us to learn from.

Here's the link:  http://aimhighma.org/curriculum-2/

I just think it is awesome to have generations of AHAMA students and teachers guiding us along! I want to be able to contribute to this process and pay the benefits forward. There's a ton of help out there, waiting for us to tap into it. I look around and realize that I have dozens of people at AHAMA whom I can ask for advice -- so great!

We have every reason to do great in this testing season, and there's no way any of us could say we didn't receive the tools or inspiration we needed on the journey.

Thank you for being there, supporting us and cheering us on.

- Michael

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