Saturday, May 4, 2013


In case you were wondering, generation has multiple meanings:

1. the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation.

We are a generation of people undertaking a journey.  We all hope to persevere through to the final test and accomplish a task, that of being successful in getting our next belt.

2. the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring.

There are a couple of generations involved with this test.  From oldest to youngest we span a generation.  We all bring value to this test from youthful energy to the wisdom that comes with age.  The key is how we share those items.

3. a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, etc. Compare Beat Generation, Lost Generation.

For us, although ages differ, we have a similar mindset, or else we wouldn't be here.  Attitude is everything.  Whether that is our attitude toward training, the environment or our fellow human beings (and animals), we are unified in improving everything around us.

4. a group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time: Chaplin belonged to the generation of silent-screen stars.

We are all part of the "Generations" black belt test.  We are part of the Aim High family.

5. a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants.

Generations of black belts have come before us.  We will help to shape the generations of up and coming black belts by our examples and shared experiences.  We are a new generation of black belts - we focus on building others up through community/environmental involvement - and kicking and punching as we do so.

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