Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Affirmation meaning

  My affirmation, "Don't fall into your own shadow", has a lot of meaning in it. Some of them basic and others meaningful. Some people can interpret a lot out of it, but to me, it has one meaning. To me, it means"Don't let your personality get the best of you". It's sort of like don't try to be someone your not, just be yourself. I don't like hiding my true self, because frankly, I can't do that. I always end up doing something that my regular self would.                                                                                            
       And to that, you shouldn't try to hide yourself at all, because it doesn't work out right in the end.
I'm not saying you should never change, because as you get older, you might be more mature, or more disciplined. I'm saying don't force yourself to change, because if you do that, like I said, it doesn't feel right.



  1. I totally agree with you. This is so important now because people try to change themselves to impress people but I say be yourself!

  2. Definitely -- we all tend to try on different "masks" or personas at various points in life or in situations that make us feel uncertain. It takes courage and faith to step out of our shadow. This is a great affirmation!

  3. I wish more I could show my school friends this. They try to pretend what they are not. But as long as they see its fine to be themselves, I'm happy. Your affirmation has a great meaning to it! : )

