Sunday, July 14, 2013


My week was VERY busy, but the busiest days were Saturday and today. Saturday started off me going to the special training that morning, my cousin coming with me to support me; then going to the bookstore to get a present for a friend. I got a book as well as my cousin (she technically got a journal, but that's still a type of book.) After special training and the bookstore, my cousin and I had a mini scavenger hunt to find all of her things. At dinner, my family, along with Jae's family, went to dinner at a place called Jin Wa. (I think that's how you spell it...)  After eating, I almost pulled an all-nighter with my cousin so she could sleep better on the plane because she left for Hawaii today . If I would have stayed up one more hour I would have pulled an all-nighter. We watched an anime called Fruits Basket and got to episode 7 before both falling asleep.
 We both got an hour of sleep, waking up at 4:00 AM today. We loaded the luggages in the van, got into the car, and sat there in the car until we got to the airport. For some reason, everytime I go to drop her off at the airport, sad songs play on the radio. It kinda angered me, listening to these songs, as if the universe was rubbing the irony in my face. 
When we got to the airport, we had to checking in and all of the other stuff that was mandatory. We got some breakfast, which for me was a vanilla maroon, a giant peanut butter cookie, and some Jamba Juice.
I talked for a bit, but soon it was time for her to go though security and get on her flight. For six 'o clock in the morning, the line moved pretty quickly.  
We returned home at seven 'o clock, and the first thing I did was walk upstairs to my room, climb into my bed, and sleep. I woke up at around one 'o clock. (I know, but I was really tired.) 
And that was pretty much my weekend. For the rest of today, I watched some more anime, played some video games, and just relaxed. 
Before I end this blog though, I would like to see a blog from all of you guys next week or something. You don't have to, but I want to hear what you guys are doing, hear what was big in your week, or more information about yourself. Challenge yourself to do at least one blog a week, or to tell others about your week. Was it stressful? Busy? Exciting? Hope to hear from you soon!

Did you know?: A Parker ballpoint pen will produce more than five miles of writing before running out of ink.



  1. It sounds like a fun and tiring weekend.

    1. I got to say, it was very tiring. And yet it all happened so fast.

