Monday, July 1, 2013

Good to be Home Again

Cgn Paula's new best friend.
Cgn Paula and I had a great time on our vacation.  Most of Paula's family was there for her niece's wedding.  I haven't been able to go with her to Wisconsin for several years, so it was good to see everyone.  A couple of our friends went with us to meet Paula's family and everyone had a great time.  After the number of hours I put in at work over the last 10 months, I definitely needed a break.

One of the keys to success is to make changes if your goals aren't being reached by doing what you are doing.  I'm working through that process now to get back on track.  I should be back to working normal hours now, so I will be concentrating more on my training.  With no early morning meetings, I should be able to run or go to the gym before work again - I've got to get ready for the Sun Run and a 10K run at work by the end of the month.  I have an appointment next week to look into allergy shots to see if they will help me better control my asthma - another contributor to my not being where I want to be right now.

It sounds like I have missed some very positive trainings. I'm looking forward to see how far everyone has come over the past couple of weeks.

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