Saturday, July 20, 2013

Getting Stronger

Now that things have settled down at work and getting back to normal, I have been able to get back into my routine of going to the gym before I begin my day to work out.  I am lifting weights 3 times a week after a 10 minute cardio run on the elliptical machine to warm up.  On the other 2 days I plan on running on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  I got one run in this week but my lungs needed a day off so I skipped Thursday's run.

My asthma/allergies is really playing havoc with me this year.  10 months of high stress, long work hours and lack of sleep have taken their toll.  The Black Belt test is a very strong motivator to get back into a good routine of working out and staying healthy.

What are you doing outside of class to improve your strength and conditioning?  If you think class and Saturday workouts are enough, you aren't going full out and will be struggling come the conditioning test.

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