Monday, July 29, 2013


Yesterday was the first ever Sun run which was a 5k and 10k run. When we first got there they were just getting set up and it was very quiet but as the 10k was just getting started it slowly came louder. By the starting line all you could see was a crowd of people and they were there until an air horn blew then everyone who was not doing the 10 k was cheering. Up next the 5 k runners were up and we were ready. When we heard the sound if the air horn we started  running. At the start of the run we could smell smoke from the cars and that continued until about half way. We were getting really close to the finish line and I was getting tired but we did not stop we kept going even it was getting hot and we were sweating we ran a little longer and then we were there yes I said . When we made it I was so sore but happy we made it.

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