Saturday, July 13, 2013


Today during conditioning we ran a lap around the first block of aim high .Then we ran a lap around the area by OGA. After that we had to run to Five Oaks field. When we first got to the field we lined up for forms dividing the people testing for first degree and the people testing for second degree. Then we went into groups with the second degree testers and they helped us through some forms also. Right after that we sprinted.  We raced in three different flights, girls, boys and the second degree testers. In  our flights we raced from one cone to the next and the person who made it there first did not have to do five push ups.  We did this 5 times. Then we picked a partner and one person was on the ground like how you do in a wheel barrow race then the person standing has to let their partner's legs wrap around them. Then they have to walk on their hands twice then do a push up. We did that once then switched. After that we did the hardest part of all. So there was 14 trees across the hill and we had to bear crawl up the hill and run down the hill by each of the 14 trees.

On our way back to aim high we had the chance to talk to some of the coaches about the test. I was with BSBN GSam and she talked to us about some of her toughest moments and how she learned to persevere. She also told us some of her best moments.  People in her group hopefully learned that just because something stands in our way does not mean we give up.  It just means we try harder.

1 comment:

  1. Jae Jae,
    What did you talk about with BSBN Girl Sam? How did that motivate or inspire you? What part of that conversation will you be taking with you to the next training?

