Monday, July 8, 2013

I was rather happy to see a post from KJN about testing. To a writer, seeing a post subject like this is always wonderful to see because it gets you excited to sit down and tell your story and the story that you hope to live out. The ages or "Generations" of this year’s testers is a wide array of people. We have kids, teenagers, twenty-something’s, thirty-something's and forty-something's. And when I made the decision last summer to test, I started thinking about how hard it would be in relation to last test. I went through a lot of stress and trying to push through the things that were the hardest, but this time I wasn't scared of my asthma or my physical limitations because my asthma is under control. I wanted to run a half marathon this year as part of my training. In the beginning of the test I was hoping that this will be as amazing as the last test. I have had so many people pushing me to be better and helping by giving me advice and being right there with me every step of the way. I have had the honor of mentoring and coaching kids in this test, and maybe even helped some adults along the way. In closing, I see myself doing another half marathon in September and a 10k run that funds the Edwards center. I am so excited to see how continuing to run might one day get me to a full marathon, hopefully by my third degree test. Standing on that stage with my fellow testers receiving our black belts is going to be even more amazing than what I thought it would be like the first time around. Its all about the people.

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