Sunday, March 10, 2013

7 hours of fun

I was at Aim High for 7 hours of fun. 1st we did the Running workshop with Brandy. We ran 2 miles and I kept up with teacher Kevin and teacher Cory and Matthew! Running is fun and I think this will be my newest hobby. Great job Team for completing the running workshop and thank you teacher Brandy for running with us. After running I was a class helper with teacher John, I love helping the little ones with their kicks and I was remembering when I was in that class. 3rdly, I completed Demo practice which by the way I LOVE Dancing with my TEAM. Uncle Dino thank you for the Pizza and teacher Holly for the drinks!! I quickly went over to TKD Sparring to get ready for the tournament for next week, which by the way was pretty hard!! I need to work on my speed. After sparring I jumped over the the Tournament practice where I worked on my open form and changed a few kicks and SPARRING!! My mom was about to cry when Faith and I were up for continuous sparring!! I LOVE AIM HIGH AND WORKING OUT!! that was my 7 hours of fun. I also help my parents clean out the garage and fix my practice area and guess what! I love it!! A neighbor friend ask why I wasn't like any girl who would hang out at the mall because she wanted me to go, I told her I am not into shopping but I love my Martial Arts training and that is fun for me.  :{ )  T-Berg out!!!!

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