Sunday, March 17, 2013

This weekend

  Today, I just got up at 6:00 and waited two hours to do the Shamrock Run! This week, I couldn't even sleep in because of the Tournament and the Run, and I'm kind of tired.  This week was crazy, as usual.  Five-kilometer run, and an Aim High Competition.  At the Tournament, I got 2nd place in Open Weapon Forms, and I got 4th in Traditional Forms.  Not bad for my 2nd tournament.  At the Shamrock Run, I took about 3-4 puffs of my inhaler and I had trouble breathing at the last quarter-mile.  On the bright side, I got four servings of Clam chowder and I saw a man-horse, a bunny-person, a unicorn-man, and 7 men wearing toto's.  Not that anyone was counting.  Any who, I had a pretty packed weekend.  We also went to Out Of This World Pizza after the Run.  We had great fun, and a kid about Jordan's size hit me not-too-hard in the stomach.  I told Jae and Taylor or whoever and they made a pretty big deal out of it.  He didn't even hit me hard.  It was more of a playful punch.  Yeah, weird weekend and I woke up the same time I do on school-days.

~Brandon M.

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