Sunday, March 17, 2013

a crazy weekend

On Friday we were at Aim High practicing while the parents were helping teacher GSam. Then on Saturday we had the Aim High Classic Tournament and the UFC fight which I only saw one fight. Today my friends and aim high team did the 15K, 8K or the 5K race. We had so much fun. My mom and dad and JD did the 5K walk and I am happy finished the walk. I am a little bit sore but I deserve little R&R (Reading and relaxing) I don't mind the busy weekend actually. It gives me the time to see my Aim High family more then to just stay at home. Great Job to everyone!! keep training hard and have fun training. I wouldn't mind doing another race!! t-berg out.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could've been there. I didn't know the shamrock run was that Day too.
