Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Only TWO days!

If you read the comments of one of my posts (Getting better...) the boys on my left and the boy in the back stopped talking. The boy in front of me didn't. In two days he managed to get five+ in less than two days (or mornings). That's equal to about 2 hours. I have a note ready and I am going to give it to Mr. Smith (might be his real name, might not be) tomorrow.
I am nervous about giving the note tomorrow because I don't really favor telling on people. I am also relieved because maybe I will finally be moved. Mr. Smith graded my test, but didn't read my note on the back. It will be guaranteed that I will be mad if he still doesn't read my note, and that I will tell him personally.

Did you know?: The world's smallest frog is the size of a Cheerio. (I am NOT kidding. It really is that small! Donut believe me? Look it up!)


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