I know that I should have done this earlier, but after my whole weekend, my body is aching. Plus, after waking up at 5:00 in the morning then waiting for our train/bus (I call it the bus, others call it the MAX. Same thing.) in cold weather, then running/walking 5K, THEN going to a jungle gym to play. I probably sound like it was a HORRIBLE day and I am just monologuing about how horrible it was, but I had a lot of fun.
So let me just start at Saturday. On Saturday, I think I got 5th or 4th place in traditional forms (the judges said that it was really close and everyone got 9._ from the judges) and I got 1st in jump front kicks, by kicking 6 feet and 3 inches. That's two inches taller than one of the teachers! (If you were there or someone told you, you know who I am talking about.) Kaitlyn, one boy from tournament practice (I know his name, but I don't want to say names of people most of you don't know) and Jae were in this part of the division, because we were the shortest out of all of them. They did really good, and I was looking at the crowd of people, most of them were surprised that we could kick that high. Also, my hair was braided by Aunty Ann (Thank you for braiding it!) and when I took it out and undid it, my hair was wavy and... Poofy. : )
Today, I woke up at 5:00 and I was super tired, but when I put in my contacts, I was wide awake. We had to drop off my sister and brother at Jae's house. Thanks Jae for letting me use your left over face sparkles(?)! We drove to the train/MAX/bus station and when the bus got here, it was filled with people. Lucky for me, I was one of those people who stood up. We got stopped and our group decided to walk instead of being delayed by this. Once we got off though, 5 minutes later, the MAX/train/bus started to leave. I was very angry at this, only because every time we caught up with it, it went away.
Skipping the parts about how we got there and finding our group, the race started and I wasn't running very fast so I could stay with the group and I didn't want to run very fast to burn energy. Towards the end, I felt like I wasn't running fast enough and I had to catch up to the girls. All though as I was running, lots of people (mostly men) were wearing kilts and woman (and some men too) were wearing tutu(s?). I saw really silly and crazy costumes and outfits. One person was in a full bunny suit and another was dressed as... Let's just say it was a cup of root beer.
Going back was fun because we went on the part of the train/MAX/bus where there are standing spots where the train/MAX/bus curves or turns and certain people made fun of me and a friend that is a boy. (You know who you are and you are forgiven.) We got to our stop and got off, some had longer rides though and we all met back up at Out of This World. Our number was 33. It was fun and tiring with all the climbing and I found out that I am good at climbing fast. Even when I have something in my hand.
At home, we just relaxed and I would have done this post as soon as I got home but after lying down my body 'took a nap.' (As in it didn't really want to move and went it did, it would kind of hurt like when your foot falls asleep.)
Did you know?: A highway in Osaka, Japan that runs though the middle of an office building.
~A tired Serena going to bed at 9:15
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