Thursday, March 7, 2013

No Talking

Hi! Today I went 6 to 7 hours without talking! To 'talk', I carried a white board and Expo Pen with me and wrote down anything I would say to friends. I thought my teacher would tell me to be real and talk, but surprisingly, didn't say anything. I was really fun not speaking for a day and just listening to other people or replying slowly and actually thinking about what you were going to say. I talked four or five times, but my sentences weren't that long. It would be five words max. I used the white board not just for talking, but to help me in math by drawing pictures or writing the problem on the board.
I didn't talk today because today it was character dress-up day, where you dress up as your favorite book character for school. I was Kacey Simon from the book How To Rock (the book, not the TV show.) In one part of the book, she has braces and doesn't want her friends to find out. The thing is, she has a lisp. So she doesn't talk until... You will just have to read the book, I don't want to give anything away. Anyways, I wanted to challenge myself so instead of like in the book (about a couple of minutes), the whole school day.
A lot of people thought I had lost my voice and once they knew that I didn't, it was hard. It's not as hard as it looks. In fact, it was pretty easy for me. The first words I had said afterwards was saying hello to a boy who lives in my neighborhood. He was startled by the sound of my voice. It was a little funny when he said hi back then noticed that I talked.

Did you know?: The creators of Star Wars made Yoda look like Albert Einstein.



  1. I watched the movie a while ago, and I gotta say, Yoda does look A LOT like Albert Einstein. The white hair, the wrinkles. These are really interesting facts.

    1. Thanks Brandon. I get these facts from books, like the Weird But True! books and other books. You can get these books at the library or from the book store. They are FILLED with cool facts.

