Hey team, today I visited the eye doctor and I had to go though a lot to get my eyes checked. I waited in the waiting room until a lady called me. She lead me into a room with three medium machines. One was like a video game where you press a button whenever you see a square of squiggly lines. Another machine was where you put your chin on a chin rest (I think that is what it is called) and with one eye you stare at a tiny hot air ballon until it isn't blurry. After, the machine gives you two little puffs for each eye. The third machine just takes a picture of your eyes for contacts. The lady lead me into a room and in right corner there was a BIG machine with a soft white chair in front of it. A computer was next to the big machine. I sat down and the machine took pictures of the back of my eyes.
She lead me into another room where there were a machine that helps you see when the eye doctor sets it up, a machine that lets he or she check your eyes, a mirror, a small tv on the opposite wall that displays the letters on-screen backwards so you could see it in the mirror, a computer, and some chairs and a box of toys for family members. The lady walked out of the room after the testing and another doctor came in a few minutes after. My mom asked the doctor how we (being my mom and I) slow down the process of my eyes and he said I could wear contacts to slow it down. They were monthly contacts and I had to take special care for them.
I put one pair of the monthly contacts on and after a couple tries getting the contacts off, I finally put them on and everything was clear and sharp (as in not blurry.) I won't be wearing glasses now so I can slow down the blurring but every now and then I might wear glasses. I am excited about wearing contacts because compared to my sports glasses I wear when I do martial arts, contacts don't fog up or get stuck in my hair. This way, the only thing I have to worry about is the contacts falling out and the contacts ripping.
Did you know?: It gets so cold in Sibera your breath can turn into ice in mid-air!
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