Tuesday, May 21, 2013


OK, Generations team, I feel that I need to say this as we are well into our testing year and, with limited time, it is becoming increasingly important to work as a team.

I feel that there is a level of disconnect with some of the team members that is amplified every time they miss a class, a training, or a black belt event.  This weekend is a great opportunity to come together, out of our comfort zones, and create a closer bond within the team.  The majority of you are testing for your 1st degree black belt, so this is your first experience in training at this level.  Those that came before you (thus the theme, Generations) have a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful in the environment we have worked hard to create.  I believe that you cannot fully grasp the meaning of the Aim High black belt if you are barely putting forth the effort!


It means you are focused on the goal of succeeding in your quest for black belt and are putting a priority on your training and immersing yourself in the experience.  You cannot simply pick and choose the minimum number of events and expect to excel in the world of black belt!  Aim High black belts are overachievers!!  They look at the minimum expectations....laugh....then commit to exceeding those expectations!


Now it is your turn to take look within and ask that very question.  You can't lie to yourself, so don't try!  Are you making it a priority to be in training?  Does your family understand the level of commitment expected by your instructor team?  Are you training outside the dojo?  Do you understand the idea of TEAM?  Now for some tougher questions....  Are you making excuses for not coming to class?  Are you skipping events for some reason?  Do those reasons outweigh the importance of getting the most out of YOUR black belt experience??


This is your chance to add value to your testing experience.  Aim High is not in the habit of handing out black belts to people who don't absolutely blow us away with the sheer awesomeness of their actions!  I can tell you right now, if you are looking at your list of requirements and planning to do the bare minimum, you are not impressing anyone.  I know that may sound harsh, but that is reality and I am the coach....it is my responsibility to get you to the level of the degree for which you are testing!  My success is measured in the abilities of the black belts I train.  You will NOT be standing on that stage if you have not earned your place in the eyes of your peers and instructors.  If you are unable or unwilling to exceed the minimum expectations, bow out now.  If you cannot put effort into organizing your binder, bow out now.  If you are unwilling to take the time out of your schedule to participate in black belt events with your team, bow out now.  Take pride and honor in the work you are producing for your Generations test!!

This is my 38th black belt group that I have had the honor of training.  I believe this can be a strong team, but the team needs to take the need for training together seriously.  We will be successful in the end, the only question remaining is, who will still be on the Generations team?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, KJN Jeremy. I needed to hear this. We all needed to hear this, even if it's hard. Especially if it's hard. We are a team, so we are responsible for each other.
    - Michael
