Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Made up the workout that I missed

Hi all,
I wasn't able to go to the June 22 team conditioning day, so I did the workout on July 6. The toughest part of doing this workout alone was maintaining intensity and focus -- I was moving slower and feeling less focused than when I'm with our class. But when I was doing my forms, I was able to concentrate on doing each move more precisely.

I know that I'm going to miss one or two more of these team conditioning sessions -- I'm going to figure out which dates I can't be there, and see if anyone else needs a buddy to make-up those dates.

-- Michael

1 comment:

  1. Michael,

    Send me an email or bring it up in training if you want to hook up and do a make up.

    I agree with most everyone else it is easier to push yourself when you have someone with you.

    CGN Steven
