Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Affirmation

"Everything that is or was began with a dream."

I know that this quote is from Sharkboy and Lavagirl, and it's just a movie, but seeing this quote in the beginning of the movie really stuck with me. And made me realize that:
1.) How I started martial arts really did begin with a dream
2.) All great inventions, like the lightbulb, also started as a dream, then into an idea, then into reality's greatest inventions.
And it really is a fact, as much as it's an quote. Without dreams; I wouldn't be doing martial arts or show interest in writing; there wouldn't be any inventions, movies, books; or possibly no Aim High. 

I worry a little about this because the quote is long, and it won't fit on the black belt I have dreamed of. 
If that's the case, there's a another quote I really like too.

"See the good things in everything."

Meaning there may be some bad things about everything, like it could be raining and you have to stay inside, but it's really all about the good things to everything. Like it could be raining, but the rain helps the plants, and after the rain there's a chance to see a rainbow.

Did you know?: In the next 60 seconds on the Internet; 27,800 photos will be uploaded to Instagram with 520,000 likes.



  1. Nice, Serena! Your affirmation reminded me of another quote that I really like:

    There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?
    — Robert Kennedy

  2. Hi Serena,

    Don't worry about how long your affirmation is. BKJN Dan and KJN Jeremy are up to the challenge of getting the affirmation that is meaningful to you to fit on your belt.

    CGN Steven
