Friday, August 9, 2013

Camping (Warning: Longest Blog?)

So this is pretty late, but it is pretty important (and long). And what it is, is about camping last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with Jae, Kaitlin, Brandon, Grayson, and other families and friends. 
Friday was the day we got there at the Lost Lake camping sight where ironically my family got lost trying to get there. When we got there, my job was to help Jae with a cake she was going to present to all the people with August birthdays.  We had trouble trying to make the wood catch fire but a camper near by helped us by giving us dry wood, which was really nice of him. 
Saturday, the black belts, black belt candidates, and other people who wanted to just tag along with us, went on a run to Lost Lake, stopping for little ones to catch up; at Lost Lake we did planks on planks, bench dips (I think that's what they are called), group squats, some other stuff that I couldn't remember; then had a choice to either walk then sprint to my dad or to run the whole way, I choose to run the whole way. 
We got a chance to stretch afterwards, eat a little bit, and relax before going on a two mile hike loop (which turned out to be more than two miles and was NOT a loop) where the 3/4 of the black belt testing team (one had to stay behind to help watch the tiny, crazy kids not coming) went hiking and the view was AMAZING! I took a photo on my dad's phone and the photo turned out great. We went back down and the descent was really steep and I slipped once or twice (ok, actually I slipped at least five times) but I'm fine, and even though it was hot, I was looking forward to going to the lake and wading my feet in. 
Which I did. Too bad I couldn't go swimming. I didn't have a bathing suit and my mom didn't want me to get wet for certain reasons. Yet she packed Cayden's and Kira's... We rented some boats and got to boat across the lake, which was really nice. I liked afterwards we got to go to the Lost Lake General Store and everyone got some ice cream. I got a ice cream cookie sandwich (Brandon did too) , and it was good on a hot day. 
We went back to the campsite and when we were gonna make the fire, the same man came over to our campsite and gave us dry wood and newspaper again. We were very thankful that someone was willing to help is a second time without being asked. Everyone, with the fire high, roasted some marshmallows to make some s'mores, but all I really wanted was to roast some marshmallows. I was proud of myself when I got a second marshmallow and I got it golden brown. The whole day seemed to go by really fast. I didn't feel tired when everyone went back to their campsites, so I watch a movie and my dad offered me a piggyback ride to see the stars outside. The stars were beautiful, and I have a mental picture of the many stars in the night sky.
Sunday, everyone packed up and got ready to go. I was in charge of my brother, Jordan, and my little sister, while my mom and dad packed up. We went to a restaurant and ate lunch together, then parted. 
The camping trip was really fun, and I wish to go again as soon as possible. : )
(BTW, sorry this is so long! A lot happened and I wanted people to know what we did!)

Did you know?:  The longest Monopoly game ever played in a bathtub lasted 99 hours, which is equivalent to 4 days and 12 hours.


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