Sunday, August 11, 2013

Feeling Good

I'm so happy to be able to do things again without having to stop due to lack of fitness!  I'm still not back to my fighting form, but I'm working towards it.  I didn't stop being fit in a day, I don't expect it to reverse itself in a day either - no matter how frustrating it is.

NOTE: I am working towards it.  As we talked about at the end of special training, it requires work to get anything done.

I continued my work towards that goal this past week outside of class with lifting weights 2 mornings, running on the treadmill one morning for 30 minutes, and then ran 3 miles today before church.  Paula and I made use of some floor space this afternoon to work on kickboxing for 45 minutes as well.

I'm feeling full of energy right now.  As with anything new, it takes the body some time to adjust to doing things differently - just as KJN about how his juice diet is going.  The first few days of anything is going to shock the system.  Ask him that same question after a week and see how he is doing.  I bet you get a happier response :-)

Stick with training and it will stick with you.

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