Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Car Seat Recycling

For my leadership project I decided to do a car seat recycling event. This event can occur at the same time as a car seat clinic at Kohl's Hillsboro on September 21st as well as at aim high that week.  I will need volunteers for this event if anyone would like to help please respond or tell me during class. If someone also has a truck for us to move the recyclable parts to Legacy health in NW portland, that would be really helpful.

Did you know that car seats expire? An expired car seat can cause a child to be seriously injured or even die if in a crash. By recycling these seats we save them from the landfill. One car seat weighs about 17 pounds so my goal is to recycle about 40 so if we meet the goal we could save about 680 pounds of metal and plastic from the landfill. Again if you can help please contact me.

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