Monday, August 19, 2013

The Most Tiresome Weekend YET

My weekend was all about waking up early, and staying up kinda late. 
Saturday was the busiest out of the two. Saturday was the beach workout and the highlights of the training was running (and walking) up the huge sand dune and also going in for a little dip in the water. I'm kinda disappointed in myself for stopping at certain points when I was just building up speed and for letting Brandon get ahead. ( :P ) Going up that thing felt like I was climbing a tiny Mount Everest covered in sand.  KJN went up the dune and I saw him stop a few times. I went back down to cheer him on and went back up. I figured out the trick of getting up there, by digging my feet in the sand making steps for myself. When I ran down I felt as if I was jumping down the dune instead of running down it. After the workout most people went to play in the not-so-freezing water and I got Brandon back by splashing him in the water and getting the last laugh. After some time in the saltwater it was time to go home, which took the longest time. I took a short nap and when I woke up I was home. 
We had what felt like thirty minutes to shower, change, an get back in the car to meet Jae, Taylor, Brandon, Kaitlyn, KJN, and other friends of my parents at Big Al's (bowling and arcade place) for a surprise birthday party for Jae's father. It was a lot of fun, I got a milkshake, I scored 105 (like Haliey) , and beat Brandon at air hockey by one point! I was happy to play with all my friends and score so many tickets there. But we left everyone after air hockey because I had to wake up early that Sunday. Even though I would only get 8 hours of sleep.
Sunday was the Intel Picnic and we stayed there until 2:30 in the afternoon. I went down the giant slip 'n slide twice and it was so much fun! There was a hula hooping contest and I participated. I got third place, winning a gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods. When we went home, my parents had to leave for a birthday party leaving me with Cayden, Kira, and my Grandma. I thought it would be a good time to clean my phone and relax for a bit, so I took my phone out of my case, cleaned it, and put it on the charger. When I came back to it, it was off the charger, so I grabbed it and checked it. It seemed fine, so I watched some YouTube. The screen froze for several minutes then went to black. I tried turning it on. Nothing. I put it on the charger for an hour then turned it back on. Still nothing. It was broken. My mom and dad went to go fix it today but they couldn't. So we had someone switch out the Sim Cards and transferred it to an old phone my mom used to own. This isn't good because now I have lost all my photos, contacts, stories and my numbers for martial arts. We might have to send the phones to Apple to have the memory of my old phone to the phone I'm using now. And that might take a long time. But that was in the past and I don't know what's gonna happen next, so I'll just have to bear with this. 
The weekend is over and I have a full week this week so I'm sure I'll have something to take my mind off of it. Right? Oh well, at least I'll have a little fun. 

See ya.


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