Sunday, August 4, 2013

For those of you who were lucky enough to be at Saturday morning training this week know how awesome it was and for those who weren't there missed out. BSBN Cory took us through core work and Jiu Jitsu drills. It was a nice change up to the different work outs that we have had so far. I am so glad that we are having these trainings together because this is what makes us close as a team, and summer is coming to end so there won't be as many opportunities for stress free times just to enjoy life. School is around the corner, and for most of you that comes with homework and  life changes once again. For us lucky few, the beginning of your school year is the only break from my institution of higher learning that I get, so essentially I am just now getting to experience my version of a summer break:) I hope that we can continue the momentum that we have created for this test so far. We only have a few short months left, so let's hit it hard and remember: finish the test with the same thing that made you start.

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