Last Monday Kjn Jeremy talked about how we are on our last phase and basically "shape up or ship out!"
Last year it was after the third phase when I was cut from the Forged Team. I know how it feels. It is disappointing. This was done not to punish me but to make me stronger. I don't want to get cut again this year! So I keep up my training, attend class each week, and attend as many events as I can. I also gave up competitive soccer this season because as I learned from last year, I cant commit to my black belt training and have the energy or time to do both. Last year when I was cut I decided to continue train and finish the test along with my brother and my Forged Teammates. Completing it was AMAZING! I was rewarded by getting permission to test for a full curriculum black belt with Generations and I was very proud of myself. I was the first to sign the Generations banner and go the whole way to the end with my Forged team until they received their black belts on the beach. In the end, the situation I was faced with made me stronger. If it is decided that you will need to wait to get your black belt be strong and overcome the situation it will make you better.
~Annmarie :0)
I am so glad to see your fantastic attitude and boldness to share your story. I to had a similar defeat, and it continues to make me stronger and more diligent to train and succeed.